
  1. 中国外交官在本周的东盟(Asean)外长会议上成功说服各国在联合声明中只字不提南海仲裁案。

    Chinese diplomats successfully persuaded a meeting of Asean foreign ministers this week not to refer to the ruling in a joint statement .

  2. 菲律宾芒果干——有些人认为是世界上最好的芒果干——已经沦为了中国南海仲裁案的受害者。

    Philippine mangoes , considered by some to be the best in the world , have emerged as the latest victim of the South China Sea ruling .

  3. 应菲律宾单方面请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭自始无管辖权,所作出的裁决是无效的,没有拘束力。

    The Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration established at the Philippines " unilateral request has , ab initio , no jurisdiction , and awards rendered by it are null and void and have no binding force .

  4. 蓄意将有关争议包装成单纯的《公约》解释或适用问题,滥用《公约》争端解决机制,单方面提起南海仲裁案。菲律宾此举不是为了解决与中国的争议,而是企图借此否定中国在南海的领土主权和海洋权益。

    the Philippines has wantonly abused the UNCLOS dispute settlement procedures . This initiation of arbitration aims not to settle its disputes with China , but to deny China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea .