- 名Antarctic Circumpolar Current

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current in this area is wind-induced and is also forced by density field .
Features and Spatial Distributions of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Southern Indian Ocean and Effects of Antarctic Circumpolar Current
The third EOF indicates sea surface height of ACC in response to the wind stress field variability , which is not zonally symmetric .
The first EOF describes variability over the annual time scale and a rising trend of sea level from 1993 to 2000 . The heat variability of the sun is responsible for the former .
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current ( ACC ) is an area of intense scientific interest due to its unique features and influences it has on the global climate system However , studies of the ACC are rare due to the lack of in situ observations .
The second EOF not only describes the influences of the land of three continents to the north on the sea surface height variability , but also shows that the ENSO has a notable influence on ACC , especially in the south Pacific sector .
Low-frequency variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current sea level detected from topex / poseidon satellite altimeter data
Study of Interaction between Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Antarctic Coastal Current in the Indian Section of the Southern Ocean
An analysis of the simulated results shows significant banded structure and non zonal characteristics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current ( ACC ) in this region .
CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTS IN NORTHERN PART OF THE SOUTH HUANGHAI SEA Study of Interaction between Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Antarctic Coastal Current in the Indian Section of the Southern Ocean