
  • 网络Antarctic Station;South Polar
  1. 全新的阿蒙森·斯科特南极站旨在

    The brand new Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is designed to

  2. 举家搬迁难免令人黯然神伤,看着国旗从美国南极站老基地上缓缓移下,即使潸然泪下也是情有可原。

    MOVING house is always traumatic , and the odd tear would have been forgivable as the flag came down over America 's old base at the South Pole .

  3. 如果你在早春3月在南极站定,太阳整天都高高挂在天上,在地平线上方绕一整个圈子。

    If you stand still at the South Pole in early March , the Sun stays in the sky all day , making a full circle just above the horizon .

  4. 太阳活动低年南极中山站电离层F层的平均特性

    Overall properties of F region around solar minimum at Zhongshan station , Antarctica

  5. 上海-南极中山站沿途表层海水悬浮颗粒物中的天然~(15)N

    The δ ~ ( 15 ) N in SPM of Surface Seawaters Along Cruise Line From Shanghai to Zhongshan Station

  6. 南极中山站1991年地磁静日Sq变化

    The quiet daily variations S Q of geomagnetic field at Zhongshan station , antarctica in 1991

  7. 南极长城站冬季地磁Sq变化特征

    Winter characteristics of SQ variation of geomagnetic field at the Chinese Great Wall station , Antarctica

  8. 南极长城站地区湖泊沉积岩芯的~(210)Pb分布特征

     ̄ ( 210 ) Pb distribution characteristic in the lake sediment core at Great Wall Station Antarctica

  9. BPM授时台至南极长城站短波场强测试分析

    BPM field strength measurements at China Great Wall Station in Antarctic

  10. 南极中山站电离层F2层临界频率变化特征

    Variations of the ionospheric F2 layer critical frequency at Zhongshan Station , Antarctica

  11. 模拟试验表明增加南极中山站和北极黄河站之后,对北斗卫星的定轨精度有很大改善,特别是在Z方向上提高很大。

    Simulation test approved that these two stations have contributed much in the orbit determination precision , especially in the Z direction .

  12. 南极长城站地磁台CTM-302磁通门磁力仪的标定

    Calibration of CTM-302 flux-gate magnetometer at GreatWall Staion Antarctica

  13. 南极中山站至DomeA剖面表面雪样氧同位素组成

    Oxygen isotope composition of surface snow collected in the austral summer along the traverse route from Zhongshan station to dome a , antarctica

  14. 南极长城站与IGS站组网解算的最佳站数探讨

    Study on the best number of IGS stations for grouping network with Great Wall Station

  15. 运用质谱技术,测定了南极中山站至DomeA剖面1998/1999年度表面雪样氧同位素组成。

    Oxygen isotope composition of surface snow sampled in the austral summer of 1998 / 1999 along the traverse route from Zhongshan Station to Dome A , Antarctica is measured with the conventional mass spectrometer technique .

  16. 南极中山站DPS-4电离层测高仪的中层夏季回波统计分析

    The statistics analysis of mesosphere summer echoes observed by DPS-4 at Zhongshan station , Antarctica

  17. 南极Vostok站冰岩芯揭示了日射轨道的驱动作用以及气温与温室气体浓度之间的密切联系;

    The antarctic Vostok ice core has shown signatures of the insolation orbital forcing as well as a close association between temperature and greenhouse gas concentrations ;

  18. 南极中山站邻近区域麦氏贼鸥Catharactamaccormicki繁殖生态研究

    Breeding ecology of the south polar skua ( Catharacta maccormicki ) in the area near Zhongshan Station , Antarctica

  19. 对南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪1995~2002年观测数据的月中值进行了统计分析,揭示了中山站电离层F2层临界频率(foF2)的主要特征:foF2存在明显的日变化和年变化;

    With the statistical analysis of the monthly medians from 1995 to 2002 of the DPS-4 ionospheric sounder at Zhongshan Station , Antarctica , main features of the ionospheric critical frequency ( f_oF_2 ) are revealed .

  20. 南极中山站地区粘土矿物高岭石的分布和成因探讨

    Distribution and formation of kaolinite near Zhongshan station , east Antarctica

  21. 南极瑞穗站辐射平衡及湍流通量特征

    Radiation balance and turbulent flux characteristics over Mizuho station in Antarctic

  22. 极光亚暴期间的南极中山站地磁共轭点位置研究

    A study on the Zhongshan conjugate point location during auroral substorms

  23. 南极中山站地磁脉动的观测分析

    Observation and analyses of geomagnetic pulsations at Zhongshan station , Antarctica

  24. 1998~1999年南极中山站气象要素变化特征。

    Features of meteorological elements at Zhongshan Station in Antarctic from1998to1999 .

  25. 南极中山站固体潮观测分析

    Analysis of gravity tides observation at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica

  26. 南极中山站极光与地磁场扰动关系的分析

    Analysing of the aurora and geomagnetic disturbance in Zhongshan station , antarctica

  27. 南极长城站积雪及其消融过程

    Snow accumulation and melting processes at the Great Wall station , Antarctica

  28. 南极瑞穗站大气光学特征研究

    Study of Atmospheric Optical Properties over Mizuho Station in Antarctica

  29. 南极中山站上空大气臭氧的直接测量

    Direct measurements of atmospheric ozone at Zhongshan station , antarctica

  30. 南极中山站极光电集流分布特征分析

    Characteristic analysis of auroral electrojet in Zhongshan station , Antarctic