
  1. 预计大型中资公司南方基金管理(southernfundmanagement)将与美国的梅隆金融(mellonfinancial)形成类似的合作关系。

    Southern fund management , a big local firm , is expected to form a similar partnership with Mellon Financial of the US .

  2. 南方基金证券分析师杨德龙建议投资者在投资创业板股票时应更加谨慎。

    Analyst Yang Delong from southern fund securities suggests that investors be more cautious about investing in GEM stocks .

  3. 基金发起人南方基金管理公司和基金持有人配售价格均为每份基金单位1.01元人民币。

    The placement price to both the funds-initiator , South funds management co. , ltd. , and the funds-holders is rmb1.01 for each unitfund units .

  4. 南方基金证券金融分析师杨德龙称本周更为严格的市场规则建立已致二版市场改组。

    Financial analyst Yang Delong from southern fund securities says the more stringent market rule has led to a shakeup on the second board this week .

  5. 这些研究结论的得出,在促进南方基金管理公司企业年金业务拓展的同时,也将能对业界同类业务的发展提供有益的借鉴。

    Draw conclusions of these studies , in the promotion of enterprise annuity fund management business development of China Southern Fund Management Co. , Ltd. , but also will be able to develop similar business on the industry to provide useful lessons .

  6. 南方避险增值基金实现的收益,超过预测的收益范围,保险机制运行成功。在对基金的实际资产配置进行贡献分析发现,其积极的资产配置策略提高了收益。

    Southern Principal Protected Fund is successful , whose gains exceed its estimated amount , which derives from its positive asset allocation strategy .

  7. 同年,南方稳健证券投资基金和华夏成长证券投资基金也在不到半年的时间内相继成立。

    Southern steadiness security investment fund and Hua xia growth security investment fund were issued consecutively in the same year .