
  • 网络south wales
  1. 以前钢铁工业在南威尔士很重要。

    Steel used to be important in South Wales .

  2. 这一协议标志着南威尔士电力公司时来运转。

    The deal marks a turnaround in the fortunes of South Wales Electricity

  3. 他出生在南威尔士的阿伯德尔,是一位采矿工程师的儿子。

    He was born at Aberdare in South Wales , the son of a mining engineer .

  4. 他们已迁居南威尔士。

    They have moved to South Wales .

  5. 在上一篇专栏中,我表达了对英国南威尔士特雷奥奇(Treorchy)工厂工人们的担忧。由于巴宝莉(Burberry)设在那里的衬衣厂即将关闭,他们丢掉了工作。

    In last week 's column , I fretted about the workers of Treorchy , South Wales , who have lost their jobs as Burberry 's shirt-making plant is closing .

  6. 一则消息是,奢侈品制造商巴宝莉(burberry)将关闭英国南威尔士特雷奥奇(treorchy)附近的一家工厂,在租金和薪资水平较低的西班牙和中国扩大生产。

    Burberry , the luxury goods manufacturer , is to close a factory near Treorchy , South Wales , and expand production in Spain and China where rents and salaries are lower .

  7. 约翰去南威尔士帮助他父亲。

    John had come to South Wales to assist his father .

  8. 它居住在英国的南威尔士。

    She is now living in South Wales , UK .

  9. 他是南威尔士的一名小说家和剧作家。

    He is a novelist and playwright from South Wales .

  10. 在南威尔士发现一处秘密军火库。

    An arms cache was discovered in South wales .

  11. 山地野花,南威尔士,澳大利亚。

    Wildflowers With Mountains In Distance Kosciuszko NP , New South Wales , Australia .

  12. 今天,南威尔士的采矿工作者是不列颠的高新工作人群。

    Today , the miners of South Wales are among the highest-paid workers in Britain .

  13. 人民阵线在欧洲占有正式地位之前早已成为南威尔士的一种现实。

    The popular front was a reality in South Wales long before it was official in europe .

  14. 与帮派打交道的专家们和研究人员一起对南威尔士25名年轻人进行采访。

    Researchers went along with professionals who work with gang members to interview 25 young people in South Wales .

  15. 这星期我们应格温特郡妇女协会联盟的邀请来到了南威尔士。

    We 've come to South Wales this week at the invitation of the Gwent Federation of women 's institutes .

  16. 位于南威尔士和格洛斯特郡地区的暗绿色反映了与蒸发岩有关的高锶值。

    The dark green tints in the south of Wales and the Gloucestershire area reflect high strontium values associated with evaporites .

  17. 里斯恢复了足够的体力之后,从南威尔士的医院转到了大奥尔蒙德街医院的一间消毒病室。

    When Rhys regained enough strength , he was transferred from the South Wales hospital to a sterile room at Great Ormond Street .

  18. 我来自南威尔士英国的Weilins那边都是山谷现场有来自威尔士的朋友吗

    I am from South Wales . I 'm from Weilins of the UK , they 're all in the valleys.Welsh people in the audience

  19. 怀恩出生在南威尔士的喀麦登郡,在市政厅的音乐与戏剧学校学习。

    Wynne was born in Carmarthen , South Wales and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the National Opera Studio .

  20. 一名犯人躲在监狱货车的底部,成功地逃出了英国南威尔士的一所监狱。

    An inmate is on the run after escaping from a jail in South Wales by clinging to the bottom of a prison van .

  21. 在本世纪初(译者注:20世纪初),南威尔士的煤田产业以其低廉的工资和恶劣的工作和生活条件而臭名昭著。

    At the beginning of this century , the South Wales coal fields were notorious for their low wages and appalling working and living conditions .

  22. 他是第24步兵营的军官,之后居住在南威尔士边境地区(即威尔士南部和英格兰接壤边境),他也曾在1852年第二次英缅战争中服过役。

    He was an officer in the24th Foot Battalion , later the South Wales Borderers , and had also served in the Second Anglo-Burmese War in1852 .

  23. 在南威尔士社工的帮助下,乔治雅去了位于北卡罗来纳州蓝脊山的水源学院。

    Social workers at home in Aberdare , South Wales , helped Georgia get all the way to Wellspring Academy of the Carolinas in North Carolina 's Blue Ridge Mountains .

  24. 英国的草科技产业主要集中在以下三个地区:(1)伦敦和南威尔士之间的地区,(2)东英吉利的剑桥地区,(3)苏格兰格拉斯哥和爱丁堡之间的地区。

    There are three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth : ( 1 ) the area between London and South Wales , ( 2 ) the Cambridge area of East Anglia and ( 3 ) the area between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland .

  25. 爱尔兰的诺曼征服者是在南部威尔士成长壮大起来的。

    It was in southern Wales that the Norman conquerors of Ireland grew up .

  26. 但是,在一系列艰苦的户外游泳课程、快速间歇跑和更长更慢的跑步课程,以及骑车大约800英里穿越伦敦南部和威尔士北部之后,我在差强人意的时间内完成了比赛。

    But following a combination of arduous outdoor swim sessions , fast " interval " runs and longer , slower sessions , and roughly 800 miles of cycling through south London and north Wales , I completed the race in a reasonable time .