
  1. 本文对南充市环境监测站2002年城区5个监测点的PM10监测资料进行了分析。结果发现南充市大气污染物PM10污染严重,并存在明显的空间和季节差异。

    The paper analyzes the data of PM_ ( 10 ) monitored by the environmental monitoring station of Nanchong city at five spots in 2002.Results show that the atmospheric pollutant PM_ ( 10 ) in Nanchong city has obviously spatial and seasonal difference .

  2. 通过四川南充电网梯级水电站优化调度实例验证了这一方案对实际电网的运行调度有着重要的意义。

    Optimal operation example of cascade hydropower stations in Sichuan Nanchong grid shows that this program has important significance on the real grids dispatching and operation .