
  • 网络Nanjing University School of Law
  1. 南京师范大学法学院院长蔡道通称,税务机关有责任调查纳税申报过程中是否存在违法行为。

    Cai Daotong , director of the Law School of Nanjing Normal University , said that the tax authority has the obligation to investigate whether there are illegal activities during the tax reporting process .

  2. 李强的搭档、就读于南京师范大学法学院的孙敦宇表示,另一类颇受学生喜欢的笑料是从那些被忽略的校园日常生活中提取而成的。

    According to Sun Dunyu , a law major at Nanjing Normal University who is also Li 's cross talk partner , another type of humor students enjoy is based on common but often ignored scenes in student life .