- 网络South Asian monsoon;SASM

Research on interdecadal variability of South Indian Ocean SST and South-Asia monsoon circulation
If the 105 ° E equatorial vortex is called onset vortex of East Asia , it is sure that this vortex is different from that of South Asia .
Inverse phase between South Asian and East Asian summer monsoons and its relation with enso : from interannual to orbital scale
The NCEP NCAR monthly mean reanalysis data and Jones & Parker 's dataset which is a combination of land air temperature anomalies and sea surface temperature anomalies are used to study the interdecadal variability in South Indion Ocean SST and the South Asia monsoon circulation .
The 11 yeas ' running correlation coefficients also indicate that the effect of the South Asia monsoon on the May heavy rainfall in Yunnan is bigger than that of the South Sea monsoon .
South Asia monsoon affected by basic and shear flow
Numerical experiments of the West-Pacific subtropical high influenced by heating in South-Asian monsoon area
The different Structure in QBO between East Asia Monsoon Region and South Asia Monsoon Region
The Characteristics of East Asia Monsoon and the Difference between East Asia and South Asia Monsoon
Toward the Mechanism of Terrain / Thermal Effect and the Production / Maintenance of South-Asia Monsoon
Several Response Modes of Tropical Ocean to the Southern Asia Monsoon and the Pacific Trade Wind Forcing
The study of the South Asia monsoon circulation clearly shows that there is interdecadal variation it .
Like the East Asia Monsoon , the Southern Asia Monsoon is also also caused by Thermal difference between sea and land .
However , the detail effects of Indian Monsoon and East Asian Monsoon on the plateau and their mechanisms are to be researched .
Characteristics of the Water Vapor Transport in East Asian Monsoon Region and Its Difference from that in South Asian Monsoon Region in Summer
By using dynamical and numerical methods , several response modes of tropical ocean to the southern Asia monsoon and the Pacific trade wind forcing are discussed .
Dynamic and numerical methods are used to study / discuss the mechanism of terrain / thermal effect and the production / maintenance of South Asia monsoon .
The results clearly indi - cate that winter circulation condition over the tropical western Pacific predominantly influences the subsequent South and East Asia Monsoon circulations and summer rainfall in China .
In East and South Asian Monsoon areas have the largest summer and winter seasonal changes of the PW , the PW values summer are four times as large as those winter .
Besides , the Himalayas is adjacent to the South Asian monsoon regions , the air mass exchange between the surface and free atmosphere could also be affected by the monsoon evolution .
Its main opinions are as follows :( 1 ) In southern hemisphere , the oscillations of Australia high not only affect South China sea monsoon trough , but also affect the actions of Mascarene high by propagating westward .
This paper analyzes the different structure in QBO between east Asia monsoon region and south Asia monsoon region through a lot of charts , gains some conclusion , it can help to study further the propagation structure in QBO between east Asia monsoon region and South Asia monsoon region .
Numerical experiment research of the cause of southwest monsoon formation in South Asia
The propagational difference of 30-60 day fluctuation over regions of East Asia and South Asia in summer was Found by means of lagged correlation analysis . To some extent , this regional difference indicates the difference of the two Asian monsoon systems .
The relationship between monsoon index from April to June over South Asia and precipitation in May over Yunnan is also studied .
The seasonal movement of planetary wind system only enhances the formation of the Southern Asia Monsoon , and its effective strenth is conditioned by thermal difference between sea and Land .