
  • 网络Selling Horses
  1. 我们卖马赚了一大笔钱。

    We made a fortune selling horses .

  2. “这匹马是我的,”他对站在马旁的卖马人说。

    " This horse is mine ," he said to the man standing by the horse .

  3. 我的主人喜欢在卖马前亲自驯马,于是第二天我的训练开始了。

    My master liked to train his horses himself before selling them , and the next day my training began .

  4. 这一天的晚上,尼古拉未去任何地方作客,而是留在屋里同卖马的商人结清几笔帐。

    That evening Nikolay did not go out anywhere , but stayed at home to finish some accounts with the horse-vendors .

  5. 无意中报纸在广告语中加了个逗号,读起来成这样了,“50元卖马,马鞍和马缰绳。”

    Inadvertently the paper added a comma to the ad , which read instead : " Horse , saddle and bridle for $ 50 . "

  6. 尽管他挣的钱从来没有超过10美元,但他有自己的梦想:如果他能够得到一匹公马、一匹母马和10公顷土地,他就可以养马并以卖马为生了。

    He had never earned more than '10 but he had dreams : If he could get a male and female house and10 hectares of land , he could sell horses .

  7. 弗莱德很有心计,他没有告诉朋友们,他上享斯利是打算卖他的马。

    Fred was subtle , and did not tell his friends that he was going to houndsley bent on selling his horse .

  8. 后来,有个贩马商人带着500匹马来贝拿勒斯卖,这些马包括许多种马、母马、马驹。

    Then one day a horse merchant arrived in Benares with 500 horses to sell .

  9. 不过,看到像你母亲这样一位文雅而漂亮的太太居然那样固执地不肯卖自己的马,我可真伤心呀!

    Ah , but it 's breaking me heart to see such a fine pretty lady as your mother so stingy with her beasts !