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  1. 验结果表明,南欧蒜平均单头鲜重及平均单薹鲜重显著高于苍山蒜和苏联蒜。

    The single bolt weight of Levant garlic was significantly higher than Cang Shan garlic 's and Soviet garlic 's.

  2. 单株花总鲜重、总干重,单花鲜重、干重与对照相比,差异均达极显著水平。

    The total fresh weight , the total dry weight of a single flower , the fresh weight and the dry weight of a single flower were all heavier than the contrast , and the difference was remarkable .

  3. 光周期对试管球茎的发生影响不明显,而培养温度的影响则较大,22℃条件下,花魔芋和白魔芋试管球茎形成率、形成个数和单球茎鲜重均达最大值。

    In vitro corm formation was not affected by light periods but greatly influenced by culture temperature . Cultured in 22 ℃, the percentage of corm formation , mean number of corms and mean corm fresh weight reached their maximum .

  4. 矮砧树中短枝的单枝鲜重、比枝重、单枝叶数、单枝叶面积、单枝叶鲜重等指标,高于乔砧树。

    The indexes of the weight of the medium and short twigs , the leaf number , the leaf area and the leaf fresh weight of the medium and short twigs are much higher than those on seedling stock .