
  • 网络single lane;One Lane Road;bike lane;cycle paths
  1. 单车道内货车交通量占的比率p。

    Fraction of truck traffic in a single lane , P.

  2. 单车道行人激进过街冲突和碰撞事故机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis on Conflicts and Collisions Caused by Aggressive Pedestrian Crossing Single Lane

  3. 基于Agent的单车道交通流仿真

    Agent-based Simulation of Single-Lane Traffic

  4. 基于CA模型的单车道交通流仿真的研究

    The Study of the Traffic Flow Simulation in One Lane Based on the CA Modal

  5. 基于VRML的城市单车道交通微观仿真系统的设计

    Study on Urban Single-Lane Traffic Microcosmic Simulation System Based on VRML

  6. 农场隐匿在一条泥泞的小路上,很容易被游客错过。不过,在那条主要的单车道小路上有一块质朴的手绘指示牌,写着“FincaElPinarRobaina”。

    Tucked away on a narrow dirt road , the farm is easy for tourists to miss but for a modest hand-painted sign " Finca El Pinar Robaina " posted off the main one-lane drag .

  7. 给这些新建的漂亮的单车道拍了些照

    of these fabulous new bike lanes that they have installed .

  8. 基于可接受安全间距的单车道交通流模拟模型

    Simulated Model for One Lane Traffic Flow Based on Acceptable Safe Gaps

  9. 单车道钢架桥的机构形式为拼装式。

    5The structural form of the single lane PSB shall be pin-connected panels .

  10. 本文针对结构化道路,对单车道线的检测算法进行研究。

    A new method of unstructured road detection based on adaptive deformable template is presented .

  11. 大量的艺术品以及单车道都等在前方。

    Art and bike trails await .

  12. 目前单车道交通流动力学模型已经有很多了,这些模型都能够很好地再现一些复杂的交通流现象。

    There are so far many dynamics models for single lane traffic flow , which can show some complicated traffic phenomena .

  13. 并对单车道跟车,双车道跟车,不同车型的车辆跟随进行了仿真研究。

    Moreover , the single-lane - car-following , double-lane - car-following , and the car-following of different types of vehicles are studied with simulations .

  14. 另有研究显示,步道、单车道,或其他让人从事身体活动的地方,辟建后或者改得较易接近时,人们也会增加身体活动。

    Other research shows that people 's activity levels increase when walking trails , cycling trails or other places to engage in physical activity are created or made easier to access .

  15. 这也表明用单车道环岛来模拟一般环岛交通流特征有一定的局限性,只有在双车道的环岛上才能获得与实际相符的交通流特性。

    Because of there is a certain limitation in using single-lane roundabout to simulate roundabout traffic flow characteristics . It is necessary to obtain the traffic flow characteristics through double-lane roundabout simulation .

  16. 该手册给出了三种控制车辆进入主线的方式:单车道单车放行、单车道多车放行、双车道放行。

    The handbook gave out three methods that control the merging of vehicles into the mainline : single-vehicle release for single lane , multi-vehicle release for single lane , double lane release .

  17. 积分后,得到了匝道单车道流量与匝道连接处速度、密度和流量的理论关系模型。

    The relationships between traffic parameters , such as the ramp flow , speed , density and mainline flow at the ramp junction , are established by mapping time-space plane to speed-density plane .

  18. 富毕卡山谷地位于环形旅游线路的外边缘地带————从不丹唯一的国际机场沿国道需6个小时车程,而所谓的国道只是一条蜿蜒的单车道沥青碎石路。

    It was on the outer edge of the tourist circuit - a six-hour drive along the " national highway , " a twisting one-lane ribbon of crumbling tarmac , from Bhutan 's only international airport .

  19. 重点探讨了采集交通数据常用的几种调查方法、交通流参数的变化规律以及参数间的一些关系模型,为之后进行单车道交通流模拟建立理论基础。

    This paper discusses several investigation methods of collecting traffic data , varied law of traffic flow parameters and some relational model of the parameters . This paves the way of latish lane traffic flow simulation .

  20. 通过对驾驶员在行驶过程中为保证行车安全的实际驾驶行为进行分析,提出了可变减速时间的概念,并以此构建了基于可变减速时间的单车道通行能力理论模型;

    The drivers ' actual behaviors in order to guarantee the traffic safety in driving were analyzed . Through that it puts forward the concept of variable deceleration time , and structure a theoretical highway capacity model of single lane based on variable deceleration time .

  21. 鉴于上述结论与实际环岛交通流特征在直觉上的差异,分析其原因在于单车道环岛不存在换道行为。

    But these results seems to be different form the actual roundabout traffic flow characteristics in intuition , the reason is that there is no the vehicle lane changing behavior in the single-lane roundabout which cause the above parameters have nothing to do with the total delay time .

  22. 在模型中,通过引入计及车辆逐步加速效应,且与实测数据符合较好的新的优化速度函数,更合理地刻画了单车道交通流的动力学相变特性。

    A new optimal velocity function is introduced to take the stepwise acceleration into account and to fit the obtained results to observed data better than those with the original lattice hydrodynamic models , which leads to a better description of the dynamical phase transition for single-lane traffic flow .

  23. 而本身就是单车族的市长戴利,在22年任内将单车通行道增加至115英里。

    Bike-riding mayor Richard M.Daley expanded on-street marked bike lanes ( 3 ) to115 miles in his22 years in office .