
dān sè qì
  • monochromator
  1. 同步辐射X射线双晶单色器联动机构

    A mechanical linkage of double crystal X-ray monochromator for synchrotron radiation

  2. HR如何突破天花板复合全息透镜用作单色器

    Remove HR glass Ceiling Compound holographic lenses used as a monochromator

  3. 软X射线多层膜单色器能量分辨研究

    The study of energy resolution for soft X ray multilayer monochromater

  4. X射线单色四重聚焦照相机单色器的衍射几何

    Diffraction geometry of monochromatic X ray quadruple focusing camera

  5. 中子单色器用大尺寸Cu单晶的生长

    Growth of large single crystal Cu for neutron monochromator use

  6. 本文用计算机模拟计算的方法较详细地研究了W/C和Mo/Si人工多层膜x射线单色器结构与性能的关系。

    An imitative calculation on W / C , Mo / Si artificial multilayered films , have been made .

  7. 在第三代同步辐射光源中,晶体单色器是硬X射线光束线应用研究的核心装备。

    Crystal monochromator is the key part of the hard X ray beam line in the third synchrotron radiation source .

  8. 在软X射线光束线中,变包含角单色器因为具有宽光谱、高分辨的等优点被广泛应用。

    In the soft X-ray beam line , VariableAngle Plane Grating Monochromators is widely used with wide spectrum and highresolution .

  9. 实验室EXAFS测量中单色器晶体二级衍射的应用

    The application of second order diffraction of a monochrometer in laboratory EXAFS measurement

  10. Johann单色器能量分辨率分析

    Theoretical Analysis for Energy Resolution of Johann Monochromator

  11. 给出了计算X射线源焦点到单色器距离L1、射线源及聚焦线交叉区散焦宽度b1,b2的表达式。

    The formulas for calculating the distance L1 between focus of X-ray source and monochromator , the dispersion width 61 , b2 of cross section of source and focusing line are given .

  12. STM图像显示出石墨单色器表面存存着台阶和大的波纹起伏,而用扫描电子显微镜却不能观察到这样的结果。

    The STM images show both the larger corrugations and terraces existing on the surface , which would not be observed by SEM .

  13. 本文讨论了晶体单色器高次衍射形成的谐波对EXAFS振幅的影响。

    The effect on amplitude of EXAFS from harmonic caused by high order diffraction of crystal monochromator is discussed .

  14. 本文详细分析了不对称Johann型单色器和不对称对数螺线型单色器的衍射几何。

    The diffraction geometries of asymmetric Johann crystal monochromator and asymmetric logarithmic-spiral crystal monochromator are analysed in detail .

  15. 根据理论分析的结果,在试制聚焦相机时采用了近似不对称Johann型的可调弯曲石英单色器。

    According to the result of theoretical analysis , the adjustable elastically bent quartz crystal monochromator which is the approximate asymmetric Johann type is used in the construction of X-ray focusing camera .

  16. 针对XAFS光束线能量动态扫描的实验特点,介绍了弧矢聚焦双晶单色器的物理设计:包括晶体光学结构、性能参数计算、晶体热载分析和弧矢弯曲原理。

    Based on the requirement of the XAFS measurement of dynamically energy scanning , the concept design of the sagittal-focusing monochromator including optical design , parameters calculation , heat load analysis and the sagittal bending was introduced .

  17. 光栅单色器教学中闪耀波长与闪耀角关系的讨论

    A Discussion for the Relation of Blaze Angle and Blaze Wavelength

  18. 液氮间接冷却晶体单色器第一晶体热变形模拟计算

    Simulation of Thermal Distortion of DCM Crystal Indirectly Cooled by LN_2

  19. 可以得到预期的单色器性能。

    The expected performance of the monochromator could be obtained .

  20. 同步辐射弧矢聚焦双晶单色器传输效率的研究

    The transmission efficiency of sagittal focusing double crystal monochromator in synchrotron radiation

  21. 平面光栅单色器系统光路设计和像差计算

    Optical Design and Aberration Calculation for Plane Grating Monochrometer System

  22. 双谱线光强法测试单色器带宽

    Determination of spectral bandwidth of a monochromator by DOUBLE-MONOCHROMATIC line intensity method

  23. 掠入射光栅单色器系统像差计算和分析

    Aberrations of Grazing Incidence Grating Monochrometer System and Their Calculation

  24. 可变包含角单色器的双轴平行度误差分析和测试

    Analysis and alignment of two unparalleled-axes of a variable included angle monochromator

  25. 国内外原子吸收光谱分析专著和教科书中对单色器带通论述的普遍性错误

    The commonly erroneous description of bandpass in the AAS books

  26. 双晶单色器微调机构柔性铰链的设计

    The Design of Flexible Hinges for Micro-adjustment Mecha-nism in Doable - crystal Monochromator

  27. 曲面切槽晶体单色器设计

    Design of channel cut monochromator with curved diffracting surfaces

  28. 用于同步辐射单色器多层膜的研究

    Research on multilayer films used in synchrotron radiation monochromator

  29. 通过理论推导,得出聚焦常数与能量分辨率的变化关系式,通过关系式选择聚焦常数,达到单色器分辨率的精确控制。

    Get the relationship of focusing constant and energy resolution by theoretical derivation .

  30. 这个单色器有很大的水平接收角。

    The monochromator has a large horizontal collection angle .