- monochromatic light

Infrared Monochromatic Light Tunning Control System Based on AOTF Technology
The compared experimental study that 6328A non-coherent monochromatic light and 6328A He-Ne laser act on withered grass bacilli is made .
Simultaneous Observation of the H α Images and the Spectra of Two Large Loop Prominence Groups
The digital frequency synthesizer technology was used to drive AOTF to realize infrared single light control system . Rapid continuous wavelength scanning was resolved .
Establishment of a Guinea Pig Model of Myopia Induced by Exposing to 530 nm Monochromatic Light
A detailed calculation on the degree of polarization ( DOP ) of the light exiting fiber Lyot depolarizer is presented by using partial coherence theory of quasi-monochromatic light .
Evaluation of a novel 308 - nm monochromatic excimer light delivery system in dermatology : A pilot study in different chronic localized dermatoses
Overhaul of Monochrome Spectrophotometer Method of Vectorizing the Monochrome Image
Measuring roughness of medium or high precision surfaces by scattering of quasimonochromatic light
Light Intensity Distribution of Young 's Interference Fringe of Extended Quasi-monochromatic Light Source
Recovery and reuse of used lubricating oil by overhaul and medium repair locomotive
The Influence of Defocus Length and Quasimonochromatic Line on Talbot Image with Binary Phase Gratings
Effects of monochromatic light on spleen histology and splenocyte immune function in broilers injected with lipopolysaccharide
The spatial distribution of Fresnel diffraction field of binary phase gratings is analyzed by using RSD theory .
Effects of Monochromatic Light on Spleen Histology and Proliferation Response of Splenocyte in Laying Hens of Laying Period
Two kinds of theoretical judgment methods on the interference pattern of NONMONOCHROMATIC light in yong 's double-slits experiment
A satisfactory approximation to monochromatic light can be obtained with a filter placed in front of the arc .
The curve of current changing with the magnetic field has strong analogy to the graph of Fraunhofer single-slit diffraction .
The aim of the dissertation is to study the Monochromatic Optical Controller of portable instrument , which bases on The NIRS .
It will be far more realistic , as we shall see , to speak of quasimonochromatic light which is composed of a narrow range of frequencies .
Quasimonochromatic illumination is generally made use of when resulting data are to be analyzed electronically , e.g. with a photodetector . Single white . Medium green , plain , glossy . Standard .
On the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Spectroscopy ( XFAS ) beam line , the W / B4C multilayer film was used as the monochromator instead of the crystal for the XFAS experiment .
Three methods are employed in discussing the theory of partially coherent light , light intensity distribution of Young 's interference fringe of extended quasi monochromatic light source , taking into consideration of not only length of light source but also line breadth .
Because of the good homochromatism characteristic , the departure to Lambert-Beer law produced by non-homochromatism light is greatly reduced . In addition , the high intensity and the pretreatment of degrease and non-degrease can both insure the required measurement accuracy . 2 .