
dān huánɡ ɡuǎn
  • clarinet
单簧管 [dān huáng guǎn]
  • [clarinet] 一种木管乐器。俗称黑管

  1. 双簧管和单簧管有些相似之处。

    The oboe and the clarinet have got certain features in common

  2. 他继续学习音乐,主攻单簧管。

    He went on to study music , specialising in the clarinet .

  3. 主旋律由两支单簧管奏出。

    The melodic line is carried by the two clarinets .

  4. 我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。

    I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato .

  5. 她用单簧管奏出了一个浑厚低沉的乐音。

    She produced a rich , deep tone from her clarinet .

  6. 钢琴和单簧管都有很长的独奏乐段。

    The piano and the clarinet both have long solo passages .

  7. 演奏单簧管乐器的一个管乐队或管弦乐队的组。

    The section of a band or orchestra that plays clarinets .

  8. 他在乐队里吹单簧管,我也是。

    Heckles played clarinet in band , and I played clarinet .

  9. 几杯下肚之后,他就会拿出自己的单簧管来。

    After a few drinks he would get his clarinet out .

  10. 他十岁就学习吹奏单簧管。

    He learned to play the clarinet at the age of ten .

  11. 低音单簧管在木管乐组中形成浓重的低音。

    The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group .

  12. 现在我不吹长笛或单簧管了,

    Now , I don 't play the flute or the clarinet ,

  13. 来自六安市,擅长长笛和单簧管。

    From Liuan city , to be good at flute and clarinet .

  14. 他是第一个和交响乐团合作的爵士单簧管演奏家。

    He was the first jazz clarinetist to play with symphony orchestras .

  15. 卢塞尔:行板木管三重奏(为双簧管、单簧管、大管)。

    Andante , trio for Oboe , Clarinet and Bassoon .

  16. 我哥哥吹单簧管有二十六年之久。

    My brother has played the clarinet for twenty-six years .

  17. 用3.5号哨片能成为职业单簧管演奏家吗?

    Can one become a professional clarinetist on a3.5 reed ?

  18. 单簧管,是一种来自西方的木管气鸣乐器。

    Clarinet , is a wooden pipe gas from the West Ming instruments .

  19. 在很优秀的管弦乐队里吹单簧管。

    Playing the clarinet in some really good orchestra .

  20. 她在一个摇摆舞乐队里吹单簧管。

    She plays the clarinet in a swing band .

  21. 她在小学和中学的乐队里吹单簧管。

    She played clarinet in the band at elementary school and high school .

  22. 评论家们也称赞他的单簧管演奏。

    Critics also praised his playing of the clarinet .

  23. 她起初吹竖笛,进而吹单簧管。

    She started off playing the recorder and then progressed to the clarinet .

  24. 单簧管、长客、萨克斯管及大管都是木管乐器。

    The clarinet , fltae , saxophone and bassoon are all woodwind instruments .

  25. 我的生活就由音乐和单簧管组成。

    And my life are music and the clarinet !

  26. 嬉游曲之2,为双簧管、单簧管和巴松而作,作品229之2莫扎特。

    Divertimento II for Oboe , Clarinet and Fagotto , K.229 , No.2 Mozart .

  27. 带有直管的单簧管乐器。

    A single-reed instrument with a straight tube .

  28. 这一时期,单簧管音色表现能力获得了很大发展。

    During this period , the performance of the clarinet sound great development ability .

  29. 其实硬橡胶是制造单簧管的很好的选择。

    Hard rubber is a much better substance with which to construct a clarinet .

  30. 你母亲是吹单簧管的吗?

    Did your mother play the clarinet ?