
  • 网络EXISChina;EXIS
  1. 川端康成的《名人》塑造了一位视围棋艺术为生命的卓越棋手形象。

    Yasunari Kawabata 's " Celebrity " created the image of a superb master who cherished Go art as life .

  2. 这一对双胞胎音质-X系列是开放的,自然,创造一个健全的和卓越品质的形象。

    The sonic quality of the Twin-X series is open and natural , generating a sound and image of exceptional quality .

  3. 以追求卓越的企业公民形象,竭尽所能推动行业和社会的健康、和谐发展!

    To pursue outstanding company citizen image , we try our best to promote health and harmonious development for the profession and society .