
  • 网络Assisted suicide;Physician-assisted suicide
  1. 菲利普·尼什克医生是主张“协助自杀合法化”的著名活跃分子。

    Dr Philip Nitschke is a well-known advocate of legal assisted suicide .

  2. 投票显示,支持协助自杀的人数曾经遥遥领先,但过去一个月支持者人数有所减少。

    Polls show what was a largely lead favoring assisted suicide shrinking over the past month .

  3. 康奈尔说应该用一个新的医学名词描述伯格的行为。他称之为“医生协助自杀”。

    Connell said a new medical term should be applied to Berg 's actions . He calls it ' medicide ' .

  4. Wilson说研究对象中63%的人认为在某些特定情况下安乐死和医生协助自杀应受法律允许,这一比例与以正常人为调查对象得出的结果大致相同。

    Wilson said the proportion of study subjects 63 per cent who thought euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be legal in certain circumstances is about the same among healthy individuals .

  5. tetsuo只对协助自杀负责,仅判处六年半监禁。

    Tetsuo was guilty only of aiding suicide and sentenced to a mere six and a half years in prison .

  6. 这是一种协助自杀的战略,也是极端危险和不负责任的战略。

    It is a strategy of assisted suicide , and one that is extremely dangerous and irresponsible .

  7. 她说,相比于协助自杀,如何帮助患者减轻痛苦以及提高临终关怀的质量才是重点。

    Instead of assisted suicide , she says more focus should be given to improving palliative and hospice care .

  8. 据当地媒体报道,瑞士苏黎世的选民日前以压倒性票数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和“自杀旅游”的议案。

    Voters in Zurich , Switzerland , overwhelmingly rejected proposed bans on assisted suicide and " suicide tourism ", local media reported .

  9. 苏黎世选民以压倒性多数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和“自杀旅游”的议案。

    Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to limit the practice to residents of the Swiss city .

  10. 自1941年以来,协助自杀在瑞士就已合法化,但协助者不能是医生,而且不能从病人的死亡中获利。

    Assisted suicide has been allowed in Switzerland since 1941 if performed by a non-physician who has no vested interest in the death .

  11. 他表示,在1995年,(澳大利亚的)北领地成为全世界首个允许在符合严格条件的情况下施行协助自杀的司法管辖权的地区。

    He says in1995 , the Northern Territory became the first jurisdiction in the world to allow assisted suicide , under strict conditions .

  12. 该组织负责人萨拉伍顿说,唐斯夫妇自杀的例子表明,有关方面应该规范协助自杀方面的法规。

    Sarah Wootton , chief executive of campaign group Dignity in Dying , said the couple 's deaths showed the need to regulate assisted suicide .

  13. 每年有许多人为了结束自己的生命而造访这里。因为在他们的国家里,协助自杀是非法的。

    Many people from around the world travel to Zurich each year to end their lives because assisted suicide is illegal in their own countries .

  14. 波特:尽管经过多次法庭争辩挑战,协助自杀在英国终究被视为非法行为,最高刑罚可判14年徒刑。

    Porter : Despite repeated challenges in the courts , assisted suicide remains illegal in Britain , and carries a maximum prison sentence of14 years .

  15. 协助自杀组织解脱已同意了由苏黎世检察官管控协助自杀行为的条例,并希望他们最终可以出台全国条例。

    Right-to-die group Exit has agreed rules to govern assisted suicide with prosecutors in Zurich in the hope they might eventually form the basis of national regulation .

  16. 协助自杀(比如安乐死)却只对要求安乐死的人造成直接伤害以及终结其性命。

    Assisted suicide ( as is the case of euthanasia ) involves direct harm and the termination of life only to the individual who has requested it .

  17. 最后,关于医生协助自杀的问题,他分别从病人、医生、立法者的角度,提出医生协助自杀在法律上和伦理上是应该被容许的,这正体现了功利主义的快乐原则。

    Finally , Physician-assisted suicide should be allowed to conduct in terms of patients , doctors and legislators . This also reflects pleasure principle of the utilitarianism .

  18. 上周日,苏黎世选民以压倒性多数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和“自杀旅游”的议案。不少外国游客前往瑞士“自杀旅游”,寻求帮助结束生命。

    Voters in Zurich overwhemingly rejected on Sunday proposed bans on assisted suicide and " suicide tourism " & foreigners traveling to Switzerland to receive help ending their lives .

  19. 只有当我感受到巨大的痛苦,或我发现自己无法再做出任何贡献,而只是身边人的负担时,我才会考虑协助自杀。

    I would consider assisted suicide only if I were in great pain or felt I had nothing more to contribute but was just a burden to those around me .

  20. 该提案既没有建议致命性注射,也没有使用安乐死或协助自杀的字眼,却能给予病人进入持续深度镇静状态直至死亡的权利。

    The bill stops short of recommending lethal injections and avoids the terms euthanasia or assisted suicide , but would give people ' the right to deep , continuous sedation until death ' .

  21. 很多晚期患者利用瑞士的这一法规前来协助自杀,尤以来自德国、法国、英国的游客居多。瑞士拥有全球最自由的法规。

    Many terminally ill foreigners particularly from Germany , France and Britain travel to Switzerland to commit suicide , taking advantage of the Swiss rules which are among the world 's most liberal .

  22. 物理学家史蒂芬•霍金教授曾表示,如果他觉得自己无法再对这个世界做出任何贡献,而仅仅是别人的负担,那么他会考虑协助自杀。

    Professor Stephen Hawking , the physicist , would consider assisted suicide if he felt he had nothing more to contribute to the world and was merely a burden , he has said .

  23. 该提案既没有建议“致命性注射”,也没有使用“安乐死”或“协助自杀”的字眼,却能给予病人“进入持续深度镇静状态直至死亡的权利”。

    The bill stops short of recommending lethal injections and avoids the terms euthanasia or assisted suicide , but would give people ' the right to deep , continuous sedation until death ' 。

  24. 霍金患有运动神经元病,他认为如果别人不想活着,却非逼着别人活着,这是对他人最大的侮辱。他曾表示,如果他遭受了巨大的痛苦,那么他会考虑协助自杀。

    Prof Hawking , who has motor neurone disease , has argued that keeping someone alive against their own wishes is the ultimate indignity , saying he would think about it in the event he was suffering great pain .

  25. 霍金患有运动神经元病,他认为如果别人不想活着,却非逼着别人活着,这是对他人“最大的侮辱”。他曾表示,如果他遭受了巨大的痛苦,那么他会考虑协助自杀。

    Prof Hawking , who has motor neurone disease , has argued that keeping someone alive against their own wishes is the " ultimate indignity , " saying he would think about it in the event he was suffering great pain .

  26. 然而,却有一些麻烦的因素证明这起悲剧并非协助性自杀&汤姆所患并非不治之症。

    But there are troubling elements to this tragedy that puts it in a different category from assisted suicide . Tom did not have a terminal illness .

  27. 根据英国法律,协助他人自杀可能被判14年监禁,然而目前没有任何在“尊严”组织诊所协助亲人自杀的英国人遭到起诉。

    Under British law , assisting a suicide is punishable by up to 14 years in prison . But courts have become reluctant in recent years to convict people . No relative or friend of any of the Britons who have died in Dignitas clinics has been prosecuted .