
huá dēng chū shàng
  • when the evening lights are lit
华灯初上[huá dēng chū shàng]
  1. 他们驱车返回华灯初上的希灵汉姆时,暮色渐浓。

    Dusk was deepening as they drove back to the lights of Shillingham

  2. 华灯初上,自己依旧在徘徊。

    On the light beginning , oneself still Be go back and forth .

  3. 华灯初上的城市,谁在看不见的角落苟延残喘?

    At night , the city , who in the invisible corner alive ?

  4. 夜里华灯初上,有时会为游客提供精彩的表演;

    At night the city lights up and offers a show for the passengers ;

  5. 马拉雪橇驶过华灯初上的城市。

    Horses pulled sledges through the lighted city .

  6. 每到晚上华灯初上,湄公河边坐满了纳凉的人群,远眺对岸泰国乌隆的点点灯火,菩提树影婆娑。

    At every night , many people sit besides Mekong River to overlook lights and whirling banyans of Thailand Udon .

  7. 当华灯初上,城市归于寂静,拎上几瓶啤酒,与朋友一起再去走一遍你最喜欢的地方。

    When the streetlights flicker on and the city goes quiet , grab a few beers and visit some of your favorite places with your friends .

  8. 华灯初上,夜景迷人,此情此景,让你欢呼雀跃,你渴望认识一些新朋友,甚至找到你的真命天子或真命天女。

    You 're excited to enjoy a night out on the town , and you 're excited at the prospect of meeting someone new and potentially finding your Mr. or Mrs. Right .

  9. 施崇棠回忆,有一天华灯初上的时候,他发现一间工程实验室几乎已空无一人,于是他在公司内着力打造一种勤奋工作的文化:“坦率地说,那是一场危机,”他表示。

    Mr Shih recalls instilling a culture of hard work after finding an engineering lab almost empty early one evening : " That 's a crisis , frankly speaking , " he says .