
  • 网络Cadenza;nightlife;soloist
华彩 [huá cǎi]
  • [rich colors] 华美亮丽的色彩

  • 妙笔着华彩

  • 华彩的衣料

  1. 中国西安,华彩天下。(一品)

    Xi'an China , the world 's cadenza .

  2. 周荘的华彩

    A Cadenza in the Zhou Village

  3. 《实习生》是南希·迈耶斯(NancyMeyers)的电影,像这种可爱的职业女性崩溃戏,在她的浪漫喜剧中就如同埃迪·范·海伦(EddieVanHalenguitar)的吉他华彩段落。

    The Intern " " is a Nancy Meyers movie , and these sorts of cute career-woman meltdowns are the Eddie Van Halen guitar solos of her romantic comedies .

  4. 苏格兰民谣的华彩乐章&彭斯抒情诗歌赏析

    The Highlight of Scottish Ballads-The Appreciation of Burn ′ s Lyrics

  5. 澳门历史建筑群&多元文化的华彩乐章

    Historical Architectural Group in Macau : A Splendid Chapter of Multiple Cultures

  6. 玉是风景,亮丽、华彩;

    Jade is a scenery , beautiful and magnificent ;

  7. 编辑与作者的互动是这门艺术的华彩乐章。

    The interaction between the editor and the writer is the gorgeous movement .

  8. 特色功能区彰显华彩宣武

    Characteristics Function Underlines the Colorful Xuanwu District

  9. 巴赫对于华彩段的运用,从而为我们今后更好地学习和诠释18世纪的钢琴协奏曲提供有益的帮助。

    Bach , which will help us further study the piano concertos in the 18th century .

  10. 其间充盈着华彩艺术

    A place of artistic brilliance ,

  11. 3年前,华彩首次宣布,与中国福利彩票签约,在全国范围内推出开乐彩网络。

    CLS first announced its contract with the welfare lottery for a national Keno network three years ago .

  12. 我国的服饰文化在人类文明的发展进程中留下了璀璨华美的篇章,旗袍作为其中最具华彩的章节流芳至今,被誉为东方的神话。

    During the process of development of human civilization , Chinese costume culture has left a bright beautiful chapter .

  13. 镂空龙头象首木雕造诣非凡,巧夺天工,诉说百年朝夕华彩;

    The dragon and elephant head wood sculptures are of incredible and exceptional workmanship , telling a century-old legend .

  14. 我的衷衣和孔雀颈毛一样地华彩,我的披纱和嫩草一样地碧青。

    My bodice is the colour of the peacock 's throat , and my mantle is green as young grass .

  15. 人类的潜力、人性的华彩无彰显之机,这无异于浪费。

    There is such a waste of human potential , of things worth while in people which never find expression .

  16. 小提琴手有用双倍停顿及和弦来精彩地演奏华彩乐段的技能。

    The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza , with its double stops and harmonics , with brilliance .

  17. 圆号撕声力竭地咆哮,企图以自己的声音传达华彩乐段的动机。

    The horns howl into the fray , trying in their own turn to convey one of the cadenza 's motives .

  18. 作为现代主义设计运动最重要的组成部分,包豪斯以它独特的魅力成为其中最华彩的篇章。

    Bauhaus , as the most important component of this movement , is becoming the most brillant part with its unique attraction .

  19. 用沁人心脾的天籁之音,谱写人生的华彩乐章,这就是莱斯顿天籁之音。

    This is the sounds of nature from Luster , who composes the cadenza in life with the refreshing sounds of nature .

  20. 《华彩》标志雕塑由主雕、浮雕墙、标志台三部份组成。主雕下部是象征国家权利(权力?)

    The Statue of Huacai is composed of three parts & the statue body , an emblem stand , and the walls of relief .

  21. 在那些有众多演奏者和作曲者为之创作华彩段的经典协奏曲中,最有代表性的作品之一便是贝多芬D大调小提琴协奏曲。

    Beethoven Violin Concerto in D Major is the most representative among all the classic concerto which many performers and composers created cadenza for .

  22. 他们都包括了长而展开的华彩乐段,第一乐章的华彩乐段几乎占据了第一乐章的整个后半部分。

    They both contain long and developed cadenzas with the first movement 's cadenza alone taking up almost the entire last half of the movement .

  23. 通过自身学习演奏此曲,笔者对该曲中的华彩段作了深入的研究,并希望通过写作此论文,把自己的研究心得和引发的一些思考加以总结。

    Through practicing this concerto , I conduct in-depth study about the cadenza of it and hope to summarize my thoughts and learning from the study .

  24. 本文选择了古典主义音乐的代表人物、音乐神童&莫扎特的五首小提琴协奏曲作为研究对象,并对其不同版本的华彩乐段进行分析。

    This paper studies five pieces of violin concertos of Mozart , a genius representative of classical music , and analyses different cadenzas of different versions .

  25. 民国时期的学前教育课程改革运动在中国学前教育发展史上写下了华彩乐章。

    The reform of the preschool curriculum in the period of the Republic of China leaves a gayer chart in the history of the Chinese preschool education .

  26. 年出生,我成长在兰州,一个有着千年历史和至今闪耀着华彩的文化遗产的城市。

    Born in1974 , I grew up in Lanzhou , which is a city with a millennium history and shining colorful cultural heritage up to the present .

  27. 奥林匹克仪式是奥运会庄严、恢宏而最具魅力的华彩乐章。内华达州拥有一些美国最好的娱乐场所。

    Olympic Ceremonies are the most grand , magnificent and attractive part of the Olympic Games . Nevada has some of the finest recreation areas in the United States .

  28. 在这里,只是插入一个简短的编辑过的华彩供学生使用,不是必须的,也许只是考试时弹奏。

    Here , however , a brief editorial cadenza is inserted for the use of students which , although not a requirement , may be played in the exam .

  29. 我已经是精英中的精英了,我想继续书写华彩的篇章。我真的希望书写历史。

    I 'm already among the best of the best and I want to continue to write many more beautiful pages . I really want to rewrite the history of football .

  30. 这部协奏曲通篇都在展示羽管键琴和演奏者的技巧,特别是第一乐章繁长的独奏华彩段。

    The concerto is well suited throughout to showing off the qualities of a fine harpsichord and the virtuosity of its player , especially in the lengthy solo'cadenza'to the first movement .