
  • 网络Hua
  1. 华安财产保险股份有限公司是经中国人民银行批准,于1996年10月正式创立的一家专业性保险公司。

    Hua An Property Insurance Company are approved by the Bank of China , in October 1996 formally created a professional insurance company .

  2. 中国首只开放式证券基金华安创新在华安基金管理公司正式推出开始发售。

    Chinese first open end security fund " Hua An Chuang Xin " is introduced by Hua An fund-management company and was selling in public .

  3. 上海咨奔提醒人们注意,华安基金的结构不同寻常,可能并不足以代表其它QDII基金的表现。

    Z-Ben warns that the Hua'an fund has an unusual structure and may not give a clear idea of how other QDII funds may perform .

  4. 由于预计今年还有5只QDII基金面世,因此外界密切关注华安基金,以寻找海外市场潜在走势方面的线索。

    With five further QDII funds expected this year , the Hua'an fund is being closely watched for clues as to how the offshore market might develop .

  5. 说明超高产杂交稻两优培九和华安3号不仅有较高的Pn和较强的抗光抑制能力,而且还能充分利用早晨和傍晚较弱的光照条件有效地进行光合作用。

    The results suggested that the two superhigh-yield rice hybrids not only had higher Pn and higher resistance to midday photoinhibition , but also had the abilities to use dim light at morn and dusk efficiently for photosynthesis .

  6. 华安3号灌浆特性表现为:灌浆期约40d,灌浆强度最大的时间是始穗后14-21d,籽粒增重相对整齐。

    The results of the studied on the grouting character of Hua'an 3 indicated : its period of grouting was about 40 days . The time of the fastest grouting was from 14-21 days after start heading .

  7. 自试行计划去年推出以来,到目前为止,除了18家银行和3家大型保险公司以外,基金管理公司中只有上海华安(Hua-an)一家获准进行海外投资。

    Until now only one fund manager , Shanghai-based Hua-an , had been allowed to invest overseas , alongside 18 banks and three large insurers , under a pilot programme begun last year .

  8. 提高华安竹种园生态旅游价值的思考

    Raising the Ecological Tourism Value of Bamboo Species Orchard in Hua'an

  9. 他叫华安!陪我们读书的。

    He is Wah On , he accompanies us in studying .

  10. 中国建设银行华安支行绩效管理的研究

    The Study of Performance Management of Hua'an Subdivision of China Construction Bank

  11. 不行呀!华安,我们跟定你了!

    No , Wah On , we will follow you .

  12. 我国在2001年发行了第一支开放式基金一华安创新,到2010年,也有了近十年的发展历程。

    In 2001 the first open-end fund issued in China .

  13. 至90年代中期,华安走到了几近崩溃的边缘。

    Until the middle of 90 , it has almost become bankrupt .

  14. 你们先出去,我有话要跟华安说。

    Get out , I have something to talk to Wah On .

  15. 华安,你这次闯大祸了。

    Wah On , you have made a big trouble .

  16. 华安国家森林公园总体规划构思

    Conception of Overall Plan for Huan'an National Forest Park

  17. 华安竹类植物园种质资源异地保存与分析

    Ex situ conservation and analysis of species resources of Hua'an Bamboo Botanical Garden

  18. 华安机械厂2112厂房结构可靠性鉴定及加固

    Structural reliability evaluation and structural strengthening plan of building 2112 in Hua'an mechanical factory

  19. 华安,你搞什么鬼?

    Wah On , what are you doing ?

  20. 华安,你来的正是时候!

    Wah On , you come in time !

  21. 华安,你又在捉弄人了?!

    Wah On , are you fooling others ?

  22. 两系杂交中籼华安3号穗部性状及灌浆特性研究

    Studied on the Panicle and the Grouting Character of Two-line Medium Indica Hybrid Rice Hua'an 3

  23. 福建漳州、华安、龙岩地区地震时间分布结构信息维的特征

    Characteristic of seismic activity parameter D_1 in Zhang zhou , Hua'an and Long yang regions of Fujian Province

  24. 随着华安创新基金的宣告成立,其作为第一只开放式基金成为中国基金业发展的又一个阶段性标志。

    Along with the first open-ended fund is established , Chinese fund industry has developed to a new stage .

  25. 据悉,外管局主要是通过其香港注册的公司华安对这些公司的股票持有人。

    It is reported that SAFE is mainly through its Hong Kong-registered company Huaan holders of shares of these companies .

  26. 2001年9月,我国第一只契约型开放式证券投资基金华安创新成功发行。

    On September , 2001 , the Hua'an Innovation Open-ended Funds , our first contracted securities funds , had succeeded offering .

  27. 从基金管理公司来看,易方达、华安、鹏华、国泰、华夏具有显著的选股能力。

    As to fund management companies , Yifangda , Huaan , Penghua , Guotai and Huaxia have stronger ability of securities selectivity .

  28. 华安3号在粤东一年双季产量潜力及其增产途径

    The Yield Potential and Increasing Yield Method of Two line Hybrid Rice Hua'an 3 as double-cropping Rice in the East of Guangdong

  29. 然而,中投否认这些股份是以其名义购入的,同时还表示,目前没有吸纳中国华安投资有限公司的计划。

    But CIC denied the stakes had been bought on its behalf and said there was no plan to absorb safe investment at present .

  30. 自2003年末华安、博时、招商三家短期资金市场投资基金面世以来,我国货币市场基金在较短的时间内取得了不俗的成绩。

    Since the government ratified three money market funds at the end of 2003 , money market funds have made a success in a short period .