
  • 网络South China fold system
  1. 矿床位于华南褶皱系之武夷山褶皱带中的中武夷山隆起区西缘南段,付坊花岗岩体西缘、会同花岗岩体北东缘与震旦纪洪山组片麻岩、片岩接触带伟晶岩密集区。

    The deposit is located at the southwest of Wuyi upwelling region of Wuyi fold belt in the South China fold system , the pegmatite concentration districts among the west of Fufang granite , the northeast of Huitong granite , gneiss , schist of Hongshan formation of Sinian Period .

  2. 川东北地区位于扬子地块的北缘,其北与秦岭造山带、西与龙门山逆冲带、东南部与华南褶皱系毗邻。

    Northeast Regional Of Sichuan lies in the north of Qingling and Yangzi Block , abus Longmen mountain thrust nappe tectonics in west , abuts South China fold systerm in Southeast .

  3. 由软流层变化及断裂分布,认为扬子准地台和华南褶皱系两大构造单元的分界位于茶陵&永兴断裂附近。

    According to the variation of the asthenosphere and the distribution of the fault system , it is suggested that the border between the Yangtze paraplatform and the Southern China fold system is near the Chaling-Yongxing fault zone .

  4. 广东大地构造位于华南加里东地槽褶皱系。

    Tectonically , Guangdong is located in the south China Caledonian Geosynclinal Folded System .