
bàn yuè bǎn
  • meniscus
半月板[bàn yuè bǎn]
  1. 四肢骨关节MR梯度回波在半月板损伤检查中的应用

    Dedicated MRI gradient echo used in meniscus injury diagnosis

  2. 膝关节盘状半月板及其损伤的MRI诊断

    Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging on discoid meniscus of knee joint

  3. 笔者分析了49例52个膝关节的半月板和软骨MR扫描资料。

    MRI of 52 knee joints in 49 cases was analysed .

  4. Link活动半月板人工全膝关节表面置换临床应用及相关研究

    Clinical Application of Link Mobile-bearing Knee Replacement and the Development of Related Research

  5. 间接法MRI膝关节造影对半月板撕裂的评价

    The Value of Indirect MRI Arthrography in Diagnosis of Meniscal Tears

  6. 半月板关节囊分离并反转的MRI诊断

    MRI diagnosis of reverse and separation of meniscus articular capsule

  7. MRI间接膝关节造影诊断半月板损伤的价值

    Value of Indirect MRI Arthrography in Diagnosing Meniscal Tears of Knee Joint

  8. 结论:MRI诊断盘状半月板及其继发病变具有很高的价值。

    Conclution : MRI examination is valuable in diagnosis of discoid meniscus .

  9. 基于MRI膝关节半月板的临床及其生物力学的三维有限元研究

    Clinical and Biomechanical Three-Dimensional Finite Element Research of Knee Meniscus Using MRI

  10. 膝关节半月板周缘性移位现象的初步MRI研究

    MRI of radial displacement of the meniscus in the knee

  11. 目的验证低场强磁共振成像(MRI)诊断半月板撕裂的准确性。

    Objective To specify the diagnostic accuracy of low-field MRI on meniscal tears .

  12. MRI显示正常半月板及关节软骨的外形、信号强度。

    MRI can delineate normal meniscus and articular cartilage .

  13. 目的评价MRI诊断盘状半月板的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the usefulness of MRI in the diagnosis of disk meniscus .

  14. 人体正常半月板MRI三维定量测量及临床意义

    MRI Three Dimensional Quantitative Measurements on Menisci of the Knee and its Clinical Significance

  15. 膝关节半月板损伤的低场MRI诊断

    Low-field MRI in diagnosis of knee meniscus injuries

  16. 6例半月板损伤,CT扫描发现3例而X线为阴性。

    CT scan found 3 cases and X-ray had no specific discovery in 6 cases of meniscus injuries .

  17. 中国人胫骨平台与半月板后倾角MRI测量

    Measurement and Comparision of the Posterior Slope between Tibial Plateau and Meniscus in Chinese Population

  18. 不同月龄兔半月板通道系统的扫描电镜(SEM)研究

    SEM research on menisci channel system of rabbits

  19. 低场MRI与关节镜对膝关节半月板损伤诊断价值的对比观察

    Comparative study on low field MRI and arthroscope in diagnosis of meniscal injury in knee joint

  20. 方法:回顾性分析26例(19例经手术证实)膝关节半月板损伤的CT表现。

    Methods : CT manifestations in 26 cases of MI ( 19 cases proved by operation ) were studied retrospectively .

  21. 目的对膝关节半月板损伤的MRI表现与手术所见进行对照分析,提高MRI诊断膝关节半月板损伤的准确性。

    Objective To improve MRI diagnosis of meniscal tear of knee joint by comparison with operative findings .

  22. 目的:认识正常膝关节半月板低场MRI表现并提高对损伤半月板诊断的正确率。

    Objective : To recognize normal meniscus and improve diagnostic accuracy about injured meniscus with low field MRI .

  23. 目的:研究正常膝关节半月板及关节软骨的低场MRI表现。

    Purpose : To study the normal meniscus and articular cartilage of the knee with low field MRI .

  24. 目的通过MRI与关节镜的对比探讨MRI对盘状半月板损伤的诊断价值和意义。

    Objective To assess the effectiveness and value of MRI in diagnosis of discoid meniscus injury of knee joint .

  25. 医用EC耳脑胶粘合修复半月板裂伤

    Effect of medical EC ear-brain glue on meniscus tear

  26. 方法:切除30只成年新西兰白兔的内侧半月板造成内侧半月板缺失的模型,并将新西兰兔分为A组和B组。

    Methods 30 adult New Zealand white rabbits were divided equally into two groups and the medial meniscus defection models were established by medial meniscectomy .

  27. 结论MRI检查为一种无创性的能准确诊断半月板损伤的成像方法,将逐渐取代诊断性关节镜检查。

    Conclusion The MRI check is an accurate diagnosis of meniscal tear and will replace the joint mirror check gradually .

  28. 结论低场强MRI对半月板撕裂的诊断有很高的准确性,同时有良好的性价比。

    Conclusions The low-field MRI can bring about high diagnostic accuracy for meniscal tears and has a good price-performance ratio .

  29. 结果术中发现,合并半月板损伤7例、交叉韧带损伤4例,手术时间(91.6±26.8)min,解剖复位率97.2%;

    The operation time is ( 91.6 ± 26.8 ) min , and the rate of anatomic reduction is 97.2 % .

  30. 结果:在110例220个半月板中,有178个(80.9%)半月板呈典型的0~Ⅲ度MR表现,42个(19.1%)损伤的半月板MR表现不典型。

    Results : In our study , 80.9 % of menisci showed typical MR findings of grade 0 & ⅲ and 19.1 % of menisci had atypical MRI appearances .