
  • 网络Al Jazeera;Al-Jazeera
  1. 去年12月末,半岛电视台美国频道播放了一部长约一小时的纪录片,内容涉及美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)和美国职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的顶级球星服用兴奋剂。

    In late December , Al Jazeera aired an hourlong documentary that linked some of the biggest stars in Major League Baseball and the National Football League to performance-enhancing drugs .

  2. 半岛电视台的英语频道为我们提供了有益启示。

    To this world Al Jazeera English offers a useful primer .

  3. 去年5月,半岛电视台美国频道前台长埃哈伯·谢哈比(EhabAlShihabi)被安思蒂取而代之。

    In May , Ehab Al Shihabi , the chief executive of Al Jazeera America , was replaced by Mr. Anstey .

  4. 半岛电视台最近播放了Facebook网页如何使官员追踪到一名20岁的什叶派女子。

    Al-Jazeera television recently showed how a Facebook page helped lead officials to a twenty-year-old Shi'ite woman .

  5. 以5亿美元收购美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔(AlGore)创立的Current有线电视台后,半岛电视台美国频道于2013年8月正式开播。

    Al Jazeera America went on the air in August 2013 after it bought Al Gore 's Current TV for $ 500 million .

  6. 走进中央大厅,一个刚刚从坎大哈回来的记者和Lu打招呼,他对Lu说在半岛电视台工作既很累又很危险。

    Walking into the central hall , Lu was greeted by a reporter just back from Kandaha and he said working there was too tired and dangerous .

  7. 半岛电视台没有说它是如何获得这盘录像带的,CNN还没有独立对这一视频进行过效验。

    Al-Jazeera did not say how it obtained the material , the authenticity of which CNN has not independently verified .

  8. 一项2009年的调查发现,收看半岛电视台英语频道的观众比收看美国有线新闻网国际频道(CNN)和英国广播公司世界频道(BBC)的观众思想更开阔。

    A 2009 study found that viewers of Al Jazeera English were more open-minded than people who got their news from CNN International and BBC World . 2 .

  9. 2013年,半岛电视台美国频道(AlJazeeraAmerica)在万众期待中开播,当时承诺以冷静严肃的态度播报美国新闻。如今,这一频道却将于今年4月底停播。

    The cable news channel Al Jazeera America , which debuted in 2013 to great fanfare when it promised to cover American news soberly and seriously , is shutting down by the end of April .

  10. 新节目总兼Samir说,半岛电视台是1996年创立的,一个由政府资助的私有电视台,它绝不会和自己的生意相抵触。

    Al-Jazeera is a private TV channel funded by the state when setting up in1996 , which never interfere with its business .

  11. 半岛电视台带给世界观众各种各样的声音而不是在单一信念下的平等和公平,Samir自豪的说道。

    Al-Jazeera brings all kinds of voices to world spectators instead of a single on the principle of equality and fairness , says Samir proudly .

  12. 据半岛电视台报道,利比亚政府发言人MussaIbrahim在新闻发布会上表示,西方国家的联合攻击已经造成港口地区和Sirte机场众多平民死亡。

    Al-Jazeera reported that Mussa Ibrahim , a Libyan government spokesman , told a news conference that coalition attacks had killed civilians in port areas and at Sirte airport .

  13. 与阿拉伯语姊妹电视台一样,半岛电视台英语频道的资金来自卡塔尔天然气收入,但该频道面向全球英语国家,并享有远比telesur更多的编辑自由。

    Although funded , like its Arabic sister station , by the gas revenues of Qatar , it operates in the global Anglophone market and enjoys considerably more editorial freedom from its paymaster than telesur .

  14. 就在上个月,我们把这系统应用到加沙的半岛电视台

    Just this last month it was deployed by Al Jazeera in Gaza .

  15. 在过去几个月间,半岛电视台美国频道依然争议不断。

    And Al Jazeera America has not been free of controversy in recent months .

  16. 半岛电视台涉足了多方事件,尤其是在近几个月的动乱期。

    Al Jazeera has trodden on many toes , especially in recent months of turmoil .

  17. 半岛电视台播出本·拉登录音带利用盒式录音带作为媒体的声象同步器

    Audio-Video Synchronizer with Cassette Tape as Medium

  18. 尽管存在人们熟知的一些问题,但半岛电视台英语频道最有可能打破这一模式。

    Despite its well-publicised problems , AJE has the greatest potential to break the mould .

  19. 一般情况下,这些电视都会播放半岛电视台的阿拉伯频道或是某个音乐频道。

    In normal circumstances , they would be beaming out al-Jazeera Arabic or a music channel .

  20. 半岛电视台一度是阿拉伯世界里最流行的卫星新闻频道,但也是最保守的。

    AL JAZEERA has long been the most popular satellite news channel among Arabs , but also the most controversial .

  21. 半岛电视台播放的画面显示,布雷加的居民们在当地部分地区遭到空袭之后悲伤落泪。

    Al Jazeera TV showed images of people in Brega grieving after the air strike on part of their town .

  22. 美国人,不仅仅是那些在前线作战的士兵们,需要看看半岛电视台,以了解世界已经发生了多大变化。

    America , and not just its front-line soldiers , needs to watch al Jazeera to understand how the world has changed .

  23. 阿拉伯电视台和半岛电视台都援引目击者的话说,忠于卡扎菲的坦克部队已经开进班加西。

    Both al Arabiya TV and al Jazeera TV , quoting eyewitnesses , said tanks loyal to Mr. Gadhafi had entered Benghazi .

  24. 该文仅表达了作者观点,不代表半岛电视台的编辑观点。

    The views expressed in this article are the author 's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera 's editorial policy .

  25. 在2007年接受半岛电视台采访时,他就暗示当时的布什总统的首席外交官赖斯在阿拉伯世界发挥着举足轻重的影响。

    In an interview with Al-Jazeera television in2007 , he hinted that then-President George W.Bush 's top diplomat wielded considerable influence in the Arab world .

  26. 反对派战斗人员告诉半岛电视台说,他们下一个主要推进的目标是港口城市苏尔特,这是利比亚领导人卡扎菲象征性的家乡。

    Rebel fighters told al-Jazeera TV their next major push would be on the port city of Sirte , the symbolic hometown of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi .

  27. 半岛电视台巴尔干有资金,并且其观众也能够看到带副标题的新闻和阿拉伯制作的纪录片,以及英语频道。

    Al Jazeera Balkans has money , and its viewers will also be able to watch subtitled news and documentaries produced by the Arabic and English-language networks .

  28. 半岛电视台报导说,至少一架飞机对埃贾比耶的一个平民居住区进行了轰炸。埃贾比耶是反对派的一个据点,靠近反对派控制的主要城市班加西。

    Al Arabiya TV reported that at least one plane bombed a civilian neighborhood in Ajdabiya , a rebel stronghold closer to the rebel-controlled major city of Benghazi .

  29. 中东电视台半岛电视台播放了卡扎菲的画面,当他被武装人员在苏尔特的街道上拖拽时,他虽在流血,但还活着。

    The Mideast television Al Jazeera showed footage of Qaddafi , bloodied but alive , as he was dragged around by armed men on the streets in Sirte .

  30. 通过出售影片和广告,半岛电视台积累了一笔财富,现在已经完全独立。

    Through selling telefilm and advertising it has amassed quite a sum of money and now is totally independent , says Samir , chief producer of news programs .