
  • 网络Peninsular War
  1. 所有这些,都适用于克里米亚半岛战争。

    All of these things apply to the Crimean War .

  2. 半岛战争中,英国骑兵几乎总是用骑兵剑劈砍。

    In the Peninsula War , the English nearly always used the sword for cutting .

  3. 1808年的今天,半岛战争:马德里的人民举行了反抗起义,以反对法国对其的占领。

    1808-Peninsular War : The people of Madrid rise up in rebellion against French occupation .

  4. 以纪录伯罗奔尼撒半岛战争的历史而见称的古希腊历史学家(公元前460-395年)。

    Ancient Greek historian remembered for his history of the Peloponnesian War ( 460-395 BC ) .

  5. 在第一次巴尔干半岛战争后,阿尔巴尼亚于1912年宣布从奥托曼帝国独立出来,成为一个公国。

    After the First Balkan War , Albania declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1912 , becoming a principality .

  6. 一八五三年俄国犯土耳其,引起克里米亚半岛战争,英、法、土耳其联盟抗俄。

    Russian aggression against Turkey in1853 led to the Crimean War between Russia and an alliance of Britain , France and Turkey .

  7. 本课程亦包含历史实例,诸如第一次和第二次世界大战、韩战、中南半岛战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争、克里米亚战争和七年战争。

    Covered historical cases include World War I , World War II , Korea , Indochina , and the Peloponnesian , Crimean and Seven Years wars .

  8. 这是一个全球性的战斗,涉及世界各地海洋的每一个部门,远远跨越日德兰半岛战争。

    This was a global conflict that reached across the world 's oceans to every part of the globe and was about far more than just the Battle of Jutland .

  9. 一次巴尔干半岛战争结束1912年的今天,第一次巴尔干半岛战争结束——保加利亚、希腊、门的内哥罗(黑山)和塞尔维亚,与土耳其签订了停战协议,结束了这场持续了两个月的战争。

    First Balkan War ends 1912 - First Balkan War ends - Bulgaria , Greece , Montenegro , and Serbia sign an armistice with Turkey , ending the two-month long war .

  10. 金大中2000年会晤金正日,被誉为深刻改变了北南关系的性质,为北南接触的增加、并且为因1950年代朝鲜半岛战争而分离的一批家庭重聚铺平了道路。

    Mr. Kim 's 2000 meeting with Kim Jong ll was credited with profoundly changing the character of North-South relations , paving the way for increased North-South contacts and a set of reunions for families separated by the 1950s Korean War .

  11. 1948年的战争结束后,上世纪50年代初,他曾与跨境突袭者作战。在1956年与埃及争夺西奈半岛的战争中,他指挥了夺取战略要地米特拉山口(MitlaPass)的战斗。

    After the 1948 war , he battled cross-border raiders in the early 1950s . He led the capture of the strategic Mitla Pass in the 1956 Sinai war with Egypt .

  12. 朝鲜半岛核战争。

    Nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula .

  13. 我们知道,朝鲜指责美国将半岛推向战争边缘。

    We know that North Korea has blamed the United States for pushing to almost the brink of war .

  14. 朝鲜半岛的战争危险不是来自朝鲜,而是来自美国。

    The danger of war is not the Korean peninsula from north Korea , but from the United States .

  15. 北韩说,新的联合国制裁可能会给朝鲜半岛带来战争,而且也不会放慢它的核计划。

    North Korea says new U.N. sanctions could bring about war on the Korean peninsula and will not slow its nuclear program .

  16. 同时,朝鲜警告称,美国和韩国计划于本周进行的海上军事演习将使朝鲜半岛濒临战争边缘。

    Meanwhile , North Korea warned that a planned U.S. - South Korean naval exercises this week would push the Korean peninsula to the brink of war .

  17. 另一方面,如果朝鲜半岛爆发战争,那朝鲜政府就会垮台,难民可能会跨越边境涌向邻国中国。

    For another , if war on the Korean Peninsula and the North Korean government collapses , refugees may try to flood over the country 's border with China .

  18. 但观察人士表示,北京方面已经在幕后说服平壤:朝鲜半岛发生战争将是不受欢迎的,而此类冲突的危险切实存在。

    But observers said behind the scenes Beijing convinced Pyongyang that a war on the Korean peninsula would be undesirable and there was a real danger of such a conflict .

  19. 他对变化是最有抵抗性在军队上和一般使负责任对它的停滞在克里米亚半岛和布尔战争之间。

    He was most resistant to change in the Army and is generally held responsible for its stagnation between the Crimean and Boer Wars .

  20. 韩国严重依赖国际市场,潜在的外国合作伙伴不会喜欢朝鲜半岛即将爆发战争的新闻标题。

    South Korea is highly dependent on the international markets , and prospective foreign partners do not enjoy newspaper headlines about a coming war in Korea .

  21. 上月初,朝鲜驻伦敦大使曾警告称,联合军演可能将朝鲜半岛拖到战争边缘。这与去年引起全球媒体注意的好战言论遥相呼应。

    Its ambassador to London warned early last month that the joint exercises may bring the peninsula " to the brink of war ", echoing bellicose rhetoric that grabbed global media attention last year .

  22. 在朝鲜半岛为了抑制战争、缓和军备竞争等一系列韩朝间的紧张局面,最终以和平的方式来完成统一事业,就要通过韩朝间的经济合作来扩大交流的幅度。

    In order to suppress the war and to ease such tensions as armament competition between two Koreas , etc. , and finally finish the unification peacefully , it is necessary to enlarge the width of exchange and communication by economic cooperation among them .

  23. 至公元前五世纪,中国大陆与朝鲜半岛的居民因战争、苛政大量地涌入日本列岛,使日本社会发生了飞跃式的变化。

    To 5th century BC , many residents of Chinese mainland and Korean peninsula migrated to Japan , which made Japanese society changed rapidly .

  24. 中国当局表示,在朝鲜半岛的三年战争中,有近20万名中国人民志愿军牺牲,其中大部分人埋骨他乡。

    Chinese authority says nearly 200000 Chinese soldiers died on the Korean Peninsula during the three-year conflict , most of them were buried on foreign soil .

  25. 评论称:由于美国图谋对朝鲜进行军事压制,朝鲜半岛突然陷入濒临战争的不稳定状态。

    The Korean peninsula has turned sharply unstable on the brink of war due to scheming by the US to militarily stifle the North , the commentary said .

  26. 虽然朝鲜半岛的停战机制维系了东北亚50多年的和平局势,但是朝鲜半岛发生冲突和战争的阴影始终存在。

    Although the armistice treaty has been able to maintain a relatively peaceful situation in Korea Peninsula over the course of 50 years , the prospect of conflicts and war still hovers overhead .