- Centaurus

The correlation analysis on large scale peculiar velocity field shows that three clusters of elliptical galaxies in Centaurus region may dominate the velocity correlation function of elliptical galaxy samples .
At around 4 light-years away , it 's the closest star system to our sun .
The nearest star , Proxima Centauri , has a planet orbiting it not much bigger than Earth .
Video Discription : For astronomers , Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time .
After unanimous agreement within the Circle of the Empyreal council , The Sagittarius Science Directorate is founded within Centaurus space .
The Centaur 's huge red crosses , which demonstrated its status as a non-combatant under international law , were brightly lit .
NASA says there are100,000 , all squeezed ( relatively speaking ) into a small portion of the Omega Centauri star cluster .
The star , Alpha Centauri is the closest star besides our sun . Besides Sunday , I play basketball every morning .
Speaking at the Tencent WE Summit in Beijing , Hawking appealed to investors to back his plans to travel to Alpha Centauri .
If we aresuccessful , a flyby mission could reach Alpha Centauri about 20 years afterlaunch , and send back images of any planets discovered in the system .
Such a system could reach Mars in less than an hour , or reach Pluto in days , pass Voyager in under a week and reach Alpha Centauri in just over 20 years .
At the news conference , Hawking , along with Russian billionaire investor Yuri Milner and a group of scientists , detailed a new project that aims to send a multitude of tiny , wafer-size spaceships into space to the neighboring star system Alpha Centauri .
the Kuiper belt ; Oort cloud ; Alpha Centauri star ; Perseus Arm ; Milky Way galaxy ; other nearby galaxies including theAndromeda galaxy ; the cosmic web ; cosmic microwave radiation ; and , at the very edges of the image , quark-gluon plasma produced by the Big Bang .