
  • 网络Qianli Embankment
  1. 实际观测与模型试验表明,千里堤截渗沟控制地下水位,防治周边土地盐碱化的作用是显著的。

    The field observation and model tests have shown that controlling the ground water table by using the drainage ditches is one of the effective measures for preventing the ground at its downstream side from alkalization .

  2. 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。

    One ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke .

  3. 小开支也要留意,由于一处漏水可能惹起巨轮漂浮(千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。)

    Beware of little expenses . A small leak will sink a great ship .

  4. 蚁多可杀马。(千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。)

    Many ants kill the horse .

  5. 我们应当提高对编辑隐性侵犯著作权行为的危害性的认识,从思想上重视、从制度上防范、从措施上补救,这样,我们的学报编辑事业才不会因为蚁穴而溃掉千里金堤。

    We should improve the awareness of the harm of act of tort to copyright on which editor secretly infringe , and pay attention to it ideologically , being on guard against it in making our principle and remedying it through other rel - evant measures .