
qiān gǔ
  • through the ages;eternal;for all time;forever;eternal repose
千古 [qiān gǔ]
  • (1) [through the ages]∶指久远的年代

  • 千古风流人物。--宋. 苏轼《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》

  • 千古江山。--宋. 辛弃疾《永遇乐.京口北固亭怀古》词

  • 纵有千古。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

  • 成为千古罪人

  • (2) [forever]∶永远地

  • 千古奇冤,江南一叶--周恩来

  • 千古奇闻

  • (3) [eternal repose]∶婉辞,哀悼死者,表示永别或永垂不朽。多用于挽联、花圈等的上款

千古[qiān gǔ]
  1. 你是为了你能千古留名而来。

    You came here because you want your name to last through the ages .

  2. 他们的英雄事迹,受万众景仰,被千古流传。

    Their heroic deeds , admired by the Poples , are spread through the ages .

  3. 她是一位千古流芳的好莱坞名人。

    She is one of the Hollywood immortals .

  4. 他一失足即成千古恨。

    That one mistake was his undoing .

  5. 一失足成千古恨,再回头已过百年身。

    One single slip brings eternal regret , and looking back , your whole life has passed away .

  6. Dion和Theon是关于人格同一性的千古之谜。

    The puzzle of Dion and Theon is about personal identity .

  7. 这些节目多姿多彩,既有为美国电视网创作的以耶路撒冷为背景的考古悬疑剧《千古挖掘》(Dig),也有为TBS频道创作的情景喜剧《你家还是我家》(YourFamilyorMine),主演是理查德·德雷福斯(RichardDreyfuss)。

    They run the gamut from " Dig , " an archeological mystery set in Jerusalem and created for USA Network , to the TBS sitcom " Your Family or Mine , " starring Richard Dreyfuss .

  8. 孔子是中国最有影响的思想家之一,也是千古推崇的教育家。

    Confucius is one of the most effective thinkers and educators .

  9. 绘画千古事,瞬间即永恒!

    Drawing existing for centuries , while one instant represents eternity .

  10. 被誉为千古奇书的《山海经》,就性质而言,属于地理学著作。

    " Shanhaijing " by nature , is a geography book .

  11. 这也是我中华民族千古不变的传统美德。

    This is a traditional virtue that Chinese can 't be changed .

  12. 夜光的本质与夜明珠千古之谜的揭开

    Essence of noctilucence and uncovering of the long-standing secret about night-shining jewel

  13. 禾黍悲歌千古泪乾坤俯仰一吟身&论清初遗民诗人吴嘉纪及其诗歌

    The Discussion on the Early Qing Dynasty Poet-Wu Jiaji and His Poems

  14. 这是一个困扰了世代科学家的千古谜题。

    It 's an age-old puzzle that 's stumped generations of scientists .

  15. 蜀风汉画传千古成都东汉画像砖特展

    The Exhibition Relief Brick Sculptures in Chengdu of the Eastern Han Dynasty

  16. 采用综合探测技术,揭开秦皇陵地宫千古之谜

    Use Comprehensive Tech. to Reveal Eternal Secrets of Underground Palace of Qinshihuang Mausoleum

  17. 韩信之死令千古叹惋,探究其死因可谓代不乏人。

    Han Xin 's death made people sign with regret through the ages .

  18. 一朝失足,铸成千古恨

    " Once a knave , ever a knave "

  19. 不必修得屹立千古,只需撑过一晚

    Doesn 't have to last forever , right ? Just one night .

  20. 于是,就有了千古名作《女史箴图》。

    The resulting masterpiece was the Admonitions Scroll .

  21. 一失足成千古恨,是吧?

    Once guilty , always guilty , right ?

  22. 那才是千古奇迹!那才叫人觉得生活是值得留恋的呢。

    That was the everlasting wonder ! That was what made life worth while .

  23. 这部千古奇书,以其神奇的艺术魅力吸引着无数如痴如醉的忠实读者。

    Numerous loyal readers have been attracted by the artistic glamour of the great classic .

  24. 一个封存千古的传说,在历史的海岸线上,她的身影若隐若现。

    A sealed eternal legend , her silhouette peeped out along the coastline of history .

  25. 破解千古蕃书之谜

    Explaining the Eternal Enigma of Foreign Books

  26. 千古文章未尽才&解读金末短命诗人王郁

    An Interpretation of Wang Yu : A Short-lived Poet at the End of Jin Dynasty

  27. 以灌千古陶瓷文化,技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进,工艺精湛。

    Our company possesses of strong technology power , advanced production facilities and consummate craftwork .

  28. 一失足成千古恨。小失误会铸成大错。

    Little mistakes lead to big ones .

  29. 流传千古的凝固音乐&布达拉宫

    The Potala Palace : an Immortal Music

  30. 悲剧意蕴,警示千古。

    The tragedy has deep implication .