
  1. 根据十二五规划纲要,2015年研发经费占GDP比重应达到2.2%,高于目前1.7%的水平。

    By the 12th Five-Year Programme , R & D expenditure will be increased from the current 1.7 per cent of GDP to 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2015 .

  2. 浙江省在其十二五规划纲要中也明确提出为应对气候变化而发展低碳经济的相关目标。

    Zhejiang province also pointed out to develop low carbon economy in the Twelfth Five-Plan in order to deal with climate change .

  3. 十二五规划纲要明确提出:推进农业现代化,加快社会主义新农村建设。

    The " Twelve-Five " program made clear : promote the modernization of agriculture , speed up the construction of new Socialist countryside .

  4. 十二五规划纲要提出,要建立扩大消费需求的长效机制。

    In 2011 , the 1025 planning decides to establish and expand consumer demand of long-effect mechanism , and expand consumer demand for expanding domestic demand .

  5. 近年来,国家先后出台了七大战略新兴产业发展规划、十大产业发展规划、成渝经济区规划、十二五规划纲要。

    In recent years , the country has issued seven strategic emerging industry development planning , national main body function region construction planning , and 12th Five-Year program .

  6. 我国经济社会发展十二五规划纲要中又把加快转变经济发展方式作为今后五年经济工作的重要组成部分。

    In the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Outline ," speed up the transformation of economic development " is an important part of the economic work in the next five years .

  7. 我国十二五规划纲要提出优先发展大中城市、工业园区热电联产机组的战略方针。

    The 12th five-year plan in China Put forward the strategic policy of giving priority to the development of large and medium-sized city , Industrial Park co-production of heat and power unit .

  8. 十二五规划纲要草案中明确提出,要始终坚持经济发展与社会发展相协调,围绕改善民生来寻求新的发展。

    Compendium draft of " Twelfth Five-Year Plan " explicitly proposes that China will persist in coordinated development of economy and society , and also explore new development by means of focusing on improving of livelihoods .

  9. 电机行业十二五规划纲要中明确指出我国要大力推广高效电机的使用,双馈电机系统节能是实现电机高效运行的一种手段。

    The twelfth and thirteenth five-year plans of the motor industry clearly pointed out that our country is promoting efficient use of motor , and system energy saving of doubly-fed machine is a means for realizing the motor operate efficiently .

  10. 同时,国家十二五规划纲要中也明确提出了:制定实施海洋主体功能规划,优化海洋经济空间布局的战略部署。

    At the same time , the National 12th Five-year Economic and Social Development Plan Outlines has laid down the strategic planning forthe development and implementation of marine priority development zones to optimize the spatial distribution for ocean economic development .

  11. 中国公布的十二五规划纲要中提出的主要目标之一就是城市化率提高4个百分点,城乡区域发展的协调性进一步增强。

    Recently , China has announced the twelfth five-year plan in which one of the major goals is that the ratio of urbanization will improve by 4 percentage points to enhance the harmonization of the development of urban and rural areas .

  12. 不久前,我们制定颁布了十二五规划纲要,确定了未来5年中国经济社会发展的指导思想、战略目标、主要任务。

    The Chinese government formulated and promulgated the Outline of the 12th Five-Year Plan not long ago . The Outline sets out the guiding principles , strategic objectives and major tasks for China 's economic and social development in the coming five years .

  13. 通过对经济形势和十二五规划纲要内容的分析,结合现有的技术发展和社会需求情况的研究,发现在目前的宏观环境下IT行业存在的巨大发展空间。

    On the economic situation and the " 12th Five-Year " Plan the content analysis , combined with the existing technology development and social needs of the situation and found that in the current macro environment there is a huge IT industry development .

  14. 目前水处理行业表现出旺盛的投资需求,尤其在十二五规划纲要对水环境治理的推动下,对水质标准以及水环境的要求极具攀升。

    Currently the water treatment industry shows a strong demand for investment . In particular , due to the high water quality standards requirement for the water environment in the " 12th five-year " Plan , higher degree of water treatment is in demand .

  15. 在此基础上,根据我国《十二五规划纲要》对全国新农村建设提出的更高的发展要求,中部六省应加大强农惠农力度,加快社会主义新农村建设步伐。

    On these bases , the much higher request for the new countryside construction is brought up with the twelve five-year plan sketch debuted in 2011 , six central provinces should strengthen the force of benefiting farming and promote the construction of socialistic new countryside .

  16. 2011年两会审议通过的十二五规划纲要,明确指出了要以科学发展为主题,转变经济发展方式为主线,因而切实转变发展理念和发展模式。

    The twelfth five-year-plan outline which was examined and passed at two sessions in 2011 , pointed out that we should require the scientific development as the theme , change the mode of economic development as the main line , change the development concept and development patterns practically .

  17. 从国家发展层面看,党的十七大报告、国家《十二五规划纲要》、2010年中央经济工作会议以及2010年政府工作报告中均强调促进区域协调发展的重要性和紧迫性。

    From the viewpoint of our country , the report of the 17th National Congress of CPC , the Twelfth Five-Year Plan , the Central Economic Working Conference in 2010 and the Government Work Report in 2010 have all emphasized the importance and urgency to promote the regional coordinated development .

  18. 2011年3月5日公布的十二五规划纲要草案提出,城镇化将是十二五期间国家重要发展战略,城市更新作为城市化进程中的一个重要单元,对城市品质的提升起着重要的推动作用。

    March 5,2011 announced the 12th " Five-Year " Plan draft , urbanization will be the 12th " Five-Year " during important national development strategy , urban renewal in the urbanization process as an important element , to enhance the quality of the city plays an important role in promoting .

  19. 十二五发展规划纲要提出要逐步发展我国大型跨国公司和跨国金融机构,提高国际化经营水平。

    According to the twelfth Five-year Development Plan , transnational corporation and transnational financial institution should be developed gradually .

  20. 今年刚刚发布的“十二五”规划纲要也再次明确了要重点发展包括太阳能热利用和光伏光热发电在内的新能源产业。

    This year just released " 1025 " program should be stressed again , clear the development including solar thermal utilization and photovoltaic solar-thermal power generation , the new energy industry .

  21. 2011年03月08日根据国家“十二五”规划纲要草案,位于北京的高科技中心&中关村将在未来十年被建设成为另一个“硅谷”。中关村将成为具有全球影响力的科技创新中心。

    2011-03-08 Zhongguancun , a technology hub in Beijing , will be as synonymous with IT innovation in ten years as Silicon Valley is , according to a draft of the country's12th Five-Year Plan .

  22. 这次“十二五”规划纲要把港澳单独列为一章,表明了中央政府对香港和澳门保持长期繁荣稳定的坚定支持。

    There is a separate chapter devoted to Hong Kong and Macao in the 12th Five-Year Plan . This shows the firm support of the central government for long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao .

  23. 它的主要优点节能环保等正好符合十二五规划的纲要,是一种适合于可持续发展的运输方式,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Its main advantages , such as energy-saving and environment-protection exactly accord with the outline of " Twelfth Five-Year Plan " . As a transportation mode which is suitable for sustainable development , the pipeline hydraulic transportation of tube-contained raw materials would gain a broad prospect .

  24. 温泉旅游地是我国重要的旅游地类型之一,《中国旅游业十二五发展规划纲要》和《国民旅游休闲纲要(2013&2020年)》都明确提出鼓励温泉旅游的发展。

    Hot Spring tourist is one of the important tourist resort types , it has clearly proposed the development of hot spring tourism by both of Outline of Chinese Tourism Industry during the Twelfth Five-Year Development Plan and Outline of National Tourism and Leisure ( 2013-2020 ) .