
  • 网络Medical Insurance Contract
  1. 商业医疗保险合同中引发的纠纷,目前的主要争论焦点在于商业医疗保险是否适用损失补偿原则和是否享有代位追偿权。

    Recently , most disputes caused by commercial health insurance contracts come from the application of principle of indemnity and subrogation .

  2. 甲骨文公司起诉俄勒冈州公共医疗保险交易所违反合同,称双方存在2300万美元的的纠纷,而该保险交易所依然在使用甲骨文公司的软件。

    Oracle Corporation is filing a breach of contract suit against Oregon public plate health insurance exchange claiming it 's using Oracle software despite 23 million dollars in dispute wills .

  3. 将合作医疗保险与健康保健合同合二为一。

    Cooperative medical insurance contracts and health insurance contracts were combined into one .

  4. 通过构造一个医疗服务系统的均衡模型,分析了医院等级、居民道德风险与最优公共医疗保险合同之间的关系。

    This paper analyzes the relations among rank of hospital , household 's moral hazard and optimal public health insurance contracts by forming a general equilibrium model of medical service system .