
  1. 全身炎症反应综合征已经成为当前危重病医学所面临重大挑战。

    Systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) is the greatest challenge in critical care medicine today .

  2. 一个流行的说法是民间医学所用的植物性药物天生安全。

    Popular perception is usually that botanical products used as folk or traditional remedies are inherently safe .

  3. 由于张仲景为中国传统医学所做的贡献,人们称他为“医圣”。

    Due to Zhang 's contribution to Traditional Chinese medicine he is often regarded as the sage of Chinese medicine .

  4. 心理干预现(调节情志)的观点与代医学所说的社会-心理-医学模式不谋而合。

    Psychological intervention now ( adjust gentle disposition ) point of view and the medical said social mental state-medical model completely .

  5. 一想到奎宁的疗效,植物药对医学所作出的巨大贡献便是再清楚不过。

    When we think of the effectiveness of quinine , the great contributions made by herbal medicine to medical science are quite evident .

  6. 在理想的世界中,人人都应有机会获得科学和医学所能提供的最佳服务。

    In the best of all possible worlds , every person would have access to the best that science and medicine can offer .

  7. 我们的身体能通过一系列我们至今知之甚少的过程来自我疗救,其治愈能力远比现代医学所能创造的一切更加令人惊叹。

    Using processes only poorly understood , the body 's ability to heal itself is far more amazing than anything modern medicine could create .

  8. 针刺镇痛理论的研究使针灸真正意义上被西方医学所接受,并被广泛应用于人医临床实践。

    The theory study on acupuncture analgesia made the acupuncture be accepted by Western medicine , and widely used in the clinical practice home and abroad .

  9. 用回旋加速器来生产核医学所需的短寿命、缺中子同位素;用作为快中子治癌的中子源和用作活化分析工具,是回旋加速器在核医学领域中应用的主要方面。

    The requirements and possibility for production of short-lived , neutron deficient radionuclides , for fast neutron therapy and activation analysis using cyclotrons are discussed briefly .

  10. 总结起来,循证医学所反映的是医疗实践中的一种理性道路,即将可以获得的最佳研究证据、适宜的个人经验以及专业知识加以完美结合的方式。

    In summary evidence-based medicine reflects a rational approach to medical practice which judiciously uses the best available research evidence together with appropriate experience and expertise .

  11. 但现代医学所使用的药物及先进的手术方法副作用及风险性较大,临床治疗受到一定的限制。

    Though , the drugs and advanced operation methods that the modern medicine use have many side effects and risks . These limit the clinic treatment .

  12. 人类医学所面对的人,是天地万物之灵,也是世界上最复杂的生物。

    The hu man being fronted with physianthropy , is the wisest of all creatures - man , as well as the world 's most complex organisms .

  13. 毫无进展:循证医学所界定的有急性肠穿孔征象的极低出生体重儿的手术时机和术式

    Coming full circle : An evidence-based definition of the timing and type of surgical management of very low-birth-weight ( 1000g ) infants with signs of acute intestinal perforation

  14. 经络腧穴是传统中医学的理论基础,由于其存在和作用机制一直未被实验医学所证实,因此在国外医学界未得到广泛承认。

    It has not been widely accepted in the world because the existence and mechanisms of acupoint still need to be proved by completely laboratory and clinical experiments .

  15. 对于人类来说,我们看到的是一个西方现代医学所制造的人间地狱,人类被医学不断的异化、孤立和分割!

    For human beings , we can see that it is a hell that modern western medical science have made , human beings are dissimilated isolated and separated by medical science .

  16. 医学所追求的是健康而美好的人生,医学所创造的是健康之美、生命之美、至善之美、仁爱之美。

    What medicine has being pursued is well-being for mankind . What it has been created are beauty of health and beauty of life and beauty of holiness and beauty of kindness .

  17. 再对近代医学所提出的隐性脱垂(直肠内脱垂或内套叠)一病的认识与临床研究进行简要的文献综述。

    The references concerning the contemporary medical knowledge of the recessive proctoptosia ( i.e. , intrarectal proctoptosia or internal intussusception ) and the clinical research are also summarized for the purpose of this paper .

  18. 你成功了(我们假设),正如现代医学所做到的:婴儿死亡率不仅在欧美而且在亚非也大大降低了。

    You succeed ( let us say ), as modern medicine has succeeded , in enormously lowering the infant death-rate , not only in Europe and America , but also in Asia and Africa .

  19. 由于其存在和作用机制一直未被实验医学所证实,虽然在中国临床上已经应用数千年,但在国外医学界也未得到广泛承认,这限制了针灸被主流医学的接受。

    Because of its existence and mechanism which has not been confirmed by experimental medicine , although it has applied for thousands of years in Chinese clinical , it has not been widely acknowledged , which limits its acceptance by the mainstream medicine .

  20. 作者除了介绍了现代医学所倡导的健康生活方式外,还指出中医的治未病同样重视健康生活方式。

    In addition to introduced a healthy lifestyle of modern medicine advocated , the author introduced the theory of " preventive treatment of disease " . The author point out that theory of " preventive treatment of disease " concern the healthy lifestyles either .

  21. 而今,由霍华德-休斯医学研究所研究员K。

    Now , researchers led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator K.

  22. 如何合乎伦理道德地使用信息技术,成为使用Internet的医学工作者所要考虑的。

    How to use information technology conforming to ethical morality should be considered by medical workers using Internet .

  23. 作为澳大利亚转化医学研究所(TranslationalResearchInstitute)的所长,弗雷泽教授继续着他的研究。

    Prof Frazer continues his research as director of the Translational Research Institute in Australia .

  24. 结果G耐力的仿真结果与空军航空医学研究所进行人体离心机试验结果及国外部分试验数据基本符合。

    Results The simulation results have been shown to compare well with the results of the human centrifuge experiments and some centrifuge data published before .

  25. 医学图像所用的数据一般较大,而随着CT、MRI等医疗设备的更新换代,所产生的医学图像数据分辨率将更高。

    The data in medical image is always large , and the data generated by the new generation of CT and MRI equipment have higher resolution .

  26. 为美国联邦政府提供咨询的医学研究所(InstituteofMedicine)已经同意承担一项100万美元的有关误诊对美国医疗影响的研究。

    The Institute of Medicine , a federal advisory body , has agreed to undertake a $ 1 million study of the impact of diagnostic errors on health care in the U.S.

  27. 该机构的官员说,一个FDA特别工作组预期于11月份就医学研究所的报告进行总结汇报。

    An FDA task force is due to report in December on its review of the IOM report , agency officials said .

  28. 来自于巴尔蒂摩的约翰霍金斯大学和HowardHughes医学研究所的BertVogelstein博士说道。

    Bert Vogelstein of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute .

  29. 相反,波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)本森-亨利身心医学研究所(Benson—HenryInstituteforMindBodyMedicine)教授气功课程的StanwoodChang说,气功运用的是一系列舒缓的动作。

    Instead , it uses a variety of gentle movements , says Stanwood Chang , who teaches qigong classes at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston .

  30. AlbertYeung也是本森-亨利身心医学研究所的资深顾问。他说,这项研究的规模也是太小,得出的结论也不具有决定性。

    The study was too small to be conclusive , adds Dr. Yeung , a senior consultant at the Benson-Henry Institute .