
  • 网络Regional Economic Theory;theory of Reginal Economy
  1. 本文以景观空间分析和区域经济理论为基础,综合RS和GIS手段,分析城镇空间形态和区域经济特征,并从中探讨城镇格局与地区经济的相关性。

    Based on the theories of landscape space analysis and regional economic analysis , this paper analyses the city spatial pattern and regional economic character , and then discusses the relation between city spatial pattern and regional economy by using both Remote Sensing and Geography Information system .

  2. 是西方区域经济理论在中国的运用和实践;

    Is the application and practice of western regional economic theory ;

  3. 区域经济理论与青海经济协调发展

    The Region Economy Theory and Economic Harmonious Development in Qinghai

  4. 人口较少民族经济发展与西方区域经济理论

    Thinly Populated National Economic Development and Western Regional Economic Theory

  5. 我国区域经济理论与政策研究

    The thought on the theory and policy about regional economics

  6. 试论区域经济理论在旅游规划中的运用

    Discussion on the Regional Economies Theory in the Use of Tourism Planning

  7. 试论旅游规划的区域经济理论依据

    On Theoretical Grounds of Regional Economy of Travelling Plans

  8. 区域经济理论与辽宁省开放型经济发展战略研究

    Research On Regional Economic Theory and the Open Economic Development Strategy of Liaoning Province

  9. 关于区域经济理论的几种理论解释

    About Interpretations of the Theory of Regional Economy

  10. 区域经济理论研究

    Study on the Regional Economy Theory

  11. 文章从国家战略转变的研究背景出发,立足于区域经济理论和城市经济理论,对滨海新区功能建设进行分析。

    It begins with the transformation of national strategy based on the Regional economic theory and City economic theory .

  12. 第二章研究经济结构、产业结构和区域经济理论及相关理论述评。

    The second chapter mainly studies the economic structure , industrial structure and regional economic theory and related theories reviewed .

  13. 科学合理的选择主导产业是区域经济理论和实践中的重要内容。

    In regional economic theory and practice , it is an important task to choosing leading industries scientifically and rationally .

  14. 区域经济理论是随着人类社会实践和科学技术的发展而不断完善的。

    The theory of regional economy is improving with the social practice of human beings and development of science and technology .

  15. 本文应用可持续发展理论和区域经济理论对资源枯竭型城市&阜新进行实证分析。

    Applying the theories of sustainable development and regional economy , this article makes a typical study-Fuxin city in Liaoning province .

  16. 本文运用经济学中的区域经济理论与交易理论分析论述区域经济与物流间的相互关系。

    This article uses the Local Economy Theory and Transaction Theory of Economics to analyze the relation between local economy and logistics .

  17. 本文以区域经济理论为基础,分析了环渤海经济圈发展存在的问题,并且探讨了将来发展的方向。

    Based on the theory of regional economics , this paper discusses the problems and trends in the development of Bohai economic circle .

  18. 欧元的产生和美元区的快速成长对区域经济理论的正确性做出了验证。

    The introduction of the euro and the rapid growth of the dollar area made validation to the correctness of the regional economic theory .

  19. 在城市水资源承载力的理论研究部分,引入了可持续发展理论与区域经济理论作为支撑。

    In the theory study part , the sustainable theory and regional economy theory are introduced , and city water resource system is analyzed .

  20. 针对这一目标,本文首先研究了区域经济理论,尤其是区域经济的发展理论,包括区域经济发展的理论模式和内在规律。

    So , this paper firstly studies regional economy theory , especially regional economy development theory , which includes its theory model and inherent law .

  21. 区域经济理论与实践证明,金融对促进区域经济协调发展具有重要作用,特别是对像中国这样的发展中国家更为关键。

    The theories and the experiences of regional development proved that Finance is the very important factor , especially to the developing country such as China .

  22. 聚集经济原理是城市和区域经济理论中的经典思想,聚集经济效应是城市化过程中的基础效应。

    Aggregated Economy theory is the classical principle of urban and region economy theory while aggregated economy effect is the basic effect during the process of urbanization .

  23. 最后,基于研究结论提出了相应的政策建议,以期对区域经济理论的深入及区域经济发展提供借鉴。

    Finally , policy recommendations are presented according to research findings , in the hope of providing guidance to deeply probe into and practice regional economic theory .

  24. 本文首先对区域经济理论、资本形成理论进行简单回顾,并对长株潭试验区融资与试验区经济发展关系进行阐述。

    This paper introduces the regional economic theory and the theory of capital formation , and then analyzes the relationship between financing and economic development in Chang-Zhu-Tan .

  25. 本文根据区域经济理论、新古典区位理论和新地理经济学理论,归纳分析其中关于物流的论述。

    Based on regional economic theory , neoclassical location theory and the new geographical economic theory , this paper summarizes and analyzes the discussion of the logistics .

  26. 首先,对区域经济理论和产业经济理论进行了评析,并结合知识经济的特点,提出了五次产业的分类方法。

    Firstly , the thesis evaluates and analyses the regional and industrial economic theories and puts forward a Five-Time-Industry Classification Method on the basis of the knowledge economy .

  27. 其次,本研究应用马克思主义区域经济理论的核心思想,提出促进农村剩余转移的根本对策就是协调经济发展。

    Secondly , from the perspective of Marxist theory regional economy , this study proposed that the basic countermeasures to promote of rural surplus transfer is coordinating economic development .

  28. 并在区域经济理论和产业经济论的指导下,较为系统地研究了山西产业结构调整的理论与应用问题。

    Under the guidance of the theories of the regional economy and industrial economy , it studies systematically the theory of restructuring of industry in Shanxi and its application .

  29. 从区域经济理论的角度主要是研究三峡工程的实施对库区的经济发展的影响,而不是评价工程本身。

    From the perspective of regional economy theory , it mainly studies the economic impact which is made on by the project , rather than evaluate the project itself .

  30. 从科学发展观、可持续发展理论、区域经济理论、循环经济理论的角度对矿产资源企业实施资源战略进行了理论分析。

    Basing on scientific developing views , continuable developing thoery , regional economy thoery , looping economy thoery , analyzes actualizing mineral resources strategies of mineral resources corporation groups .