
qū yù lǚ yóu
  • regional tourism
  1. 管理上区域旅游属于经济协作区的范畴。

    Regional tourism is belong to a category of economic region .

  2. 基于GIS的区域旅游资源与环境评价研究

    Study on the Resource Analysis and Environmental Assessment in Regional Tourism GIS-based

  3. 基于GIS的区域旅游规划与管理信息系统设计

    Design of the information system of regional tourist planning and management

  4. 浙东区域旅游一体化发展的路径研究&基于SWOT模型分析

    A SWOT Analysis-Based Study of the Integrated Development of East Zhejiang Regional Tourism

  5. 区域旅游形象策划的RIS框架构建

    A RIS Framework to Forge Regional Tourism Identity

  6. 在区域旅游客源市场调查的基础上,科学分析区域旅游客源市场开发中的SWOT因素,制定适宜的开发战略,可以变劣势为优势,化威胁为机遇,实现客源市场持续开发。

    On basis of regional tourist market data , it is important to analyze SWOT factors and to formulate appropriate tourist exploitation countermeasures for sustainable tourism development .

  7. 行政区经济的存在、加入WTO的现实,使区域旅游业竞争的格局愈益激烈,这是本文的写作背景。

    The economy of administrative area existence and the reality of china accessing to the WTO , make the competition of regional tourism become fiercer and fiercer , which is the writing background of this paper .

  8. 依据Barro回归方程与邹检验(ChowTest)方法构建边界效应定量分析模型,通过对广西与越南,广西与广东、海南的入境旅游人数的计量分析,评价北部湾区域旅游合作边界效应的时空演进。

    Basing on Barro regression equation and chow test , the author builds a border effects analysis model , and uses the number of inbound tourists of Guangxi and Vietnam , Guangxi and Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan to evaluate the border effects of the Beibu Gulf regional tourism cooperation .

  9. 进行了较全面的区域旅游整合方法研究。在区域旅游理论研究的基础上,系统提出了区域旅游整合的一般性方法,对区域旅游整合实践具有一定指导意义。

    At present , the research of region tour conformity lack .

  10. 区域旅游竞争已经进入形象竞争的阶段。

    The region tourism competition is a competition of tourism images .

  11. 长三角区域旅游一体化探讨

    Probe into the Regional Tourist Integration In the Yangtze River Delta

  12. 区域旅游集团的转型与变革研究

    The Research of Transformation and Change of the District Tour Group

  13. 区域旅游规划空间布局的理论基础

    On the theoretic foundation for spatial layout of regional tourism planning

  14. 衡阳市区域旅游形象定位探索

    Study on the Orientation of Regional Tourism Image in Hengyang City

  15. 进行了区域旅游整合实证研究。

    Carry on the authentic proof research of region tour conformity .

  16. 旅游形象定位是区域旅游竞争的关键环节。

    The positioning of tourism image is the key in competition .

  17. 区域旅游合作机制理论与案例探析

    The Theory and Practice of the Mechanism of Regional Tourism Cooperation

  18. 突出各自特点,形成区域旅游格局;

    Focusing on its own features and forming regional tourism structure ;

  19. 中部六省区域旅游发展研究

    The Study on the Development of Regional Tourism in Central China

  20. 澜沧江&湄公河次区域旅游合作的基本设想

    The Outline of the Subregional Tourism Cooperation along the Lancang Mekong River

  21. 区域旅游商品的营销策略

    Study on the marketing strategies of the regional tourist commodities

  22. 我国区域旅游环境研究综述

    A Summary of Study on Regional Tourism Environment in China

  23. 旅游客源市场开发是区域旅游发展的基础。

    Tourist market exploitation is fundamental to regional tourism development .

  24. 区域旅游业竞争力评价:指标构建与方法选择

    Evaluation on Regional Tourism Cmpetitiveness : Index System and Methodology

  25. 区域旅游商品及其开发研究&以绍兴市为例

    Tourist Commodities and Their Exploitation & A Case Study of Shaoxing City

  26. 旅游地方保护和地区封锁,会给区域旅游业发展带来诸多危害。

    The regional tourism protection and blockade are harmful to region tourism .

  27. 区域旅游目的地空间系统初探

    Analysis on the Spatial System of the Regional Tourism destination

  28. 目标宏大,服务的是宏观层次上的区域旅游开发规划;

    Objective of assessment is to service the macro regional tourism planning .

  29. 佛山市区域旅游开发的探讨

    A Probe into the Development of Regional Tourism of Foshan

  30. 与周边省份的区域旅游合作,发挥整体优势。

    With peripheral regions tourism cooperation , display overall superiority .