
  • 网络North American universities;University of North America
  1. 研究资料来自畸胎信息专科医师组织(OTIS),一个以北美大学为主的妊娠风险谘商服务机构。

    The data come from the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists ( OTIS ), a North American registry of university-based pregnancy risk counseling services .

  2. 关于北美大学实践教育体系的研究与思考

    Research and Thought about the Practice Education System of North American Universities

  3. 北美研究型大学图书馆专业岗位设置与薪金的分析

    Analysis on the Professional Positions and Salary Survey Data in the ARL University Libraries

  4. 和中国普通大学比起来,北美的大学的假期普通有四个月的假期,是从五月不断到九月。

    Compared to ordinary Chinese universities , North American ( universities ) would normally get four months of summer ( holidays ), from May all the way till September .

  5. 北美各国主要大学开设体育管理专业已多年了,在体育行业中,正是这类专业的卒业生在工作。

    In North American countries , the sports management has been set up for many years in the major universities , and now the graduates of this speciality are working in various sports fields .

  6. 如果抢答一个问题,北美最古老的大学是哪个?

    Quick , what 's the oldest university in North America ?

  7. 北美的学校和大学的运动员做过工作,

    in college and university athletics throughout North America .

  8. 他们是北美哲学界的华人、北美大学哲学系或者与哲学系关系密切的东亚系培养出来的西方学者,以及来自北美大学哲学系由研究传统的西方分析哲学转入研究中国哲学的学者。

    They are Chinese philosophers in North America , students from philosophy departments with strength in Chinese philosophy , and traditional Western analytic philosophers turned to Chinese philosophy .