
  • 网络north tropic
  1. 季节性雨林是广西南部北热带地区的地带性植被类型。

    The seasonal rain forest is zonal vegetation type of north tropics in south Guangxi .

  2. 广西红树林分布区位于北热带,北纬21°24′~21°54′。

    The distribution areas of mangrove forest in Guangxi are located on the north tropical Zone , from 21 ° 24 ′ to 21 ° 54 ′ N.

  3. 广西沿海地处北热带,光热水资源丰富,具有发展林业的良好条件。

    Guangxi coastal region is located in the north - tropical zone . Its natural condition , with plenty of light , heat and water resources , is favorable for forestry development .

  4. 该地区的鸟类区系表现出显著的华南区系特点,并有明显的北热带特征。2.根据鸟类分布情况,对桂西南地区的13个保护区进行聚类分析。

    Avifauna analysis suggested that the most birds is in the South China Region and showed a significant features of the North-tropical , this is a typically characteristics of birds in southwest Guangxi . 2 .

  5. 云南金沙江干热河谷典型区具有北热带温度条件和长达半年以上的干季时间,生态系统具有破坏容易恢复难的特点。

    The representative area of dry and hot valley of Jinsha River in Yunnan Province has a temperature condition of the northern tropical zone and a long dry season of more than half a year .

  6. 广西北热带地区石灰岩山地占据相当大的面积,特别是桂西南一带,那里形成一种独特的石灰岩季节性雨林,与相邻的砂页岩或花岗岩山地季节性雨林镶嵌分布。

    A large area of limestone mountain is occupied in southwestern Guangxi , in which there is a special limestone seasonal rain forest differing from seasonal rain forest in acid soil mountain formed by sandstone , shale or granite .

  7. 湛江市地处北热带,属亚湿润季风气候,一年之中受低纬度热带天气系统和中高纬度天气系统的交替影响,导致天气气候复杂多变,频繁的气象灾害造成重大经济损失和人员伤亡。

    Zhanjiang is located in the tropical north . It has a sub-humid monsoon climate . Influenced by the low-latitude tropical weather systems and high-latitude weather systems in turn , Zhanjiang has a complicated and volatile weather climate . Frequent meteorological disasters have caused significant economic losses and casualties .

  8. 北半球热带地区的陆生而非攀缘蕨类植物。

    Terrestrial or less than normally scandent ferns of tropical regions of northern hemisphere .

  9. 广泛分布于北美洲热带地区。

    Widely distributed over temperate North America .

  10. 1982&1983厄·尼诺年夏季北半球热带和副热带大气超长波能量分析

    An analysis of the ultra-longwave of energy for the tropics and subtropics in the NH during 1982-1983 El Nino year

  11. 北美洲热带海滨和半盐水域中的大型食用及猎用鱼;象狗鱼。狗年生肖大追踪锁定狗年生肖最高寿者&96岁的红色母亲王定国

    Large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters ; resemble pike . the oldest born in chinese year of dog

  12. 西太平洋地区信风的振动及其与北太平洋热带环流的关系

    The oscillation of trade wind over the Western Pacific in summer , 1976 and its relation to the general circulation of the atmosphere in the tropics

  13. 标准差分析表明,冬季北半球热带西太平洋、赤道中太平洋及热带印度洋东部地区积云对流的年际变化最明显。

    The analysis about standard deviations reveals that during NH winter the regions of great interannual variation for cumulus convection are located in NH tropical western Pacific , equatorial middle Pacific and the eastern region of the tropical Indian Ocean .

  14. 在亚洲季风区及热带太平洋这一大范围区域的大气内部热源异常强迫下,模式显示出了南海夏季风持续异常的特征、北半球热带外环流的响应以及亚洲季风区降水异常分布。

    Under the heating on the area of the Asian summer monsoon and the tropical Pacific , the model successfully shows the characteristics of the persistent anomaly of the SCSM , the response of the extra-tropical circulation and the anomaly rainfall distribution on the area of the Asian summer monsoon .

  15. 年际时间尺度上北太平洋副热带高压对ENSO的影响

    The impact of North Pacific subtropical highs upon ENSO on the interannual timescale

  16. 155°E断面北太平洋副热带海域夏季主要水文特征冬季赤道中东太平洋区域海表温度异常对北太平洋风暴轴年际变化的影响

    Basic Hydrological Characteristics of Northern Pacific Subtropical Sea Area along 155 ° E Section in Summer INFLUENCE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC STORM TRACK OF EQUATORIAL CENTRAL AND EASTERN PACIFIC SSTA DURING WINTER

  17. OLR揭示的北太平洋副热带高压的气候学特征

    The climatic characteristics of the subtropical high pressure over the northern Pacific revealed by OLR

  18. 基于两层半海洋模式,导出了北太平洋副热带海域季节内Rossby长波的频散关系和对应的斜压不稳定判据,发现季节内Rossby长波在副热带海区的加强机制可能是斜压不稳定。

    Based on a two and half layer ocean model the long Rossby wave dispersion relation and the corresponding baroclinic instability criterion are derived .

  19. 使用谐波分析及奇异值分解(SVD)方法分析比较了北太平洋、热带太平洋区域的海气资料及海气相互作用。

    Diagnostic analysis and contrast are performed in air-sea data and their interaction between the North Pacific and the Tropical Pacific by means of harmonic analysis and SVD .

  20. 北太平洋副热带海洋环流气候变化研究

    Study on Climate Variability of the Subtropical Gyre in the North Pacific

  21. 北太平洋副热带海区的两支东向逆流

    Two Branches of the Eastward Countercurrent in the Subtropical Region of the North Pacific

  22. 北半球副热带无风带华北板块北缘活动带元古宙构造岩片

    Calm zone of cancer Proterozoic tectonic slices along the northern margin of North China plate

  23. 北太平洋副热带海洋涡旋和副极地海洋涡旋对风应力异常的响应

    Response of the Subtropical and subpolar gyres to wind stress anomalies in the North Pacific

  24. 也是北温带与热带的分界线。

    It is also the divider between the northern temperate zone and the tropical zone .

  25. 北半球副热带高压强度对太阳活动的响应

    Response of solar activity in the intensity of the subtropical highs in the Northern Hemisphere

  26. 太阳活动与北半球副热带高压强度的耦合振荡

    The coupled oscillation of solar activity with the strength of subtropical high in Northern Hemisphere

  27. 1997年夏、冬季北太平洋副热带西部海域流场特征

    Characteristics of Current Field in the Western North Pacific Subtropical Area in the Summer and Winter of 1997

  28. 北半球的热带飓风是按逆时针方向旋转的,而南半球的热带飓风却以顺时针方向旋转。

    While tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere spin counterclockwise , those in the Southern Hemisphere spin clockwise .

  29. 北太平洋副热带模态水形成区潜沉率的年际变化及其机制

    Interannual and decadal variation of the subduction rate in the subtropical mode water formation regions in the North Pacific

  30. 北太平洋副热带流圈得到合理的模拟,其最大的输运超过50Sv。

    The subtropic gyre in the North Pacific is reasonably simulated with the maximum transport of more than 50 Sv .