
  • 网络the Arctic;the Arctic Region
  1. 北部温带地区及北极地区的一个草本植物大属。

    Large genus of herbs of north temperate and arctic regions .

  2. 短嘴小海雀,北极地区极多。

    Small short-billed auk abundant in arctic regions .

  3. 然而,在北极地区,情况并非如此。

    However , this is not true in the Arctic .

  4. 但近数十年来,寒冷的北极地区的升温速度极快,已跻身于地球各地前列,而这里的植物群也相应地受到了影响。

    But the cold north in recent decades , has seen some of the fastest rates of warming on the planet and the flora2 have reacted accordingly .

  5. 但北极地区的气温上升速度是地球其它地区的两倍,博克斯教授认为未来还会有更多的降雨。

    But temperatures in the Arctic1 are rising twice as fast as the rest of the planet and Professor Box believes there ’ ll be more rain in future .

  6. 也有人说,北极地区的一个宁静而温暖的夏日对于人类来说虽然是很舒适的,但对驯鹿来说却很可怕,因为它们被日益增多的虫子围攻。

    It 's also said that a good summer day for a human in the Arctic , still and warm , is a horrible day for the reindeer because they 're mobbed by the increasing number of insects .

  7. 但研究人员确实找到了支持长跑运动员、滑雪者或部署在亚北极地区士兵预防性服用维生素C的证据。

    Explain that the researchers did find evidence to support vitamin C prophylactic use among long distance runners , skiers , or soldiers deployed to sub-artic regions .

  8. 然而研究发现,对于身体承受高强度体力消耗的人如马拉松运动员和在亚北极地区训练的士兵来说,服用维生素C可能降低得感冒的风险。

    However , studies have found that it may lower the risk of catching a cold among people whose bodies are under high physical stress & think marathon runners or soldiers on subarctic exercises .

  9. 结果表明,利用GPS定位系统在北极地区进行大规模范围内、高精度监测地壳运动和环境动态变化是完全可行的。

    The results show that it is feasible in Arctic to utilize GPS to monitor crust movement and dynamic variations of environment with high accuracy within large scale range .

  10. v.使适合;使适应很久以前爱斯基摩人学习如何去适应严寒,以住在北极地区。

    adapt Long ago Eskimos learned how to adapt to the cold to live in the Arctic Region .

  11. 世界自然基金会(WorldWildlifeFund)和绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)等环保团体也认为,北极地区发生石油泄漏的风险太大,不应在那里进行钻井作业。

    Environmental groups such as World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace believe the risk of an oil spill in the Arctic is too great to justify drilling there .

  12. 高纬度和北极地区空气中SO2、NO2和NH3浓度的观测

    A survey of so 2 , No 2 and NH 3 concentrations in atmosphere at high latitudes and Arctic

  13. 事实上,让人想不通的是他们究竟为什么要使用陶器,我是说在北极地区,Ken?

    In fact , what 's been something of a mystery is why they were used at all , in the Arctic , I mean . Ken ?

  14. 北极地区是地球上受到各种污染最少的区域之一,但是许多研究显示在北极也存在着Hg、重金属和有机污染物污染。

    The Arctic is one of the least polluted areas on the earth . However , many studies show there exists pollution of mercury , heavy metals , and organic chemicals .

  15. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)已与俄油成立了合资企业,今夏将在俄罗斯的北极地区进行钻井作业。

    ExxonMobil this summer will start drilling in Russia 's Arctic as part of a joint venture with Rosneft .

  16. 该公司还希望能与俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(gazprom)等俄罗斯企业合作,进一步深入北极地区寻找油气资源,包括在俄挪两国有争议的地带。

    It also hopes to co-operate with Russian companies such as Gazprom to find oil and gas further into the Arctic , including in areas disputed between Russia and Norway .

  17. 挪威国家石油公司和意大利的埃尼(Eni)也与俄油建立了合作关系,帮其勘探据认为蕴藏在俄罗斯遥远的北极地区的巨量能源资源。

    Statoil and Italy 's Eni have also signed partnerships with Rosneft to help search for the vast energy resources thought to exist in Russia 's remote Arctic areas .

  18. 在隆冬时节,北极地区最冷的环形山底部,夜间温度可下降至零下247C(26开尔文)。

    It found mid-winter , night-time surface temperatures inside the coldest craters in the northern polar region can dip as low as minus247C ( 26 kelvin ) .

  19. sipri表示,北极地区夏季期间可通航的前景,已促使北京方面为极地研究拨出更多资金,学术界人士也在敦促政府制定北极战略。

    SIPRI said the prospect of the Arctic being navigable during summer months had driven Beijing to allocate more funds for polar research , and scholars were pushing the government to develop an Arctic strategy .

  20. 《地质》杂志上刚刚刊登的一篇文章上写到,哥伦比亚大学的Lamont-Doherty地球天文图绘制的北极地区1800年的气候历史是基于他分析挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛中的沉淀物产生的。

    In an article just published in the journal Geology , the associate professor at Columbia University 's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory charts 1,800 years of Arctic climate history , based on his analysis of sediment from a lake in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard .

  21. 研究人员将探讨全球暖化对北极地区的影响

    Researchers will probe the impact of global warming on the Arctic

  22. 这种天象常见于地球的南极和北极地区。

    Sundogs are fairly common occurrences in the Arctic and Antarctic .

  23. 美洲北极地区的大型野兔,冬天几乎完全为白色。

    Large hare of Arctic America almost completely white in winter .

  24. 北极地区的大气污染已经引起广泛关注。

    Atmosphere pollution in the Arctic region has been drawing broad attention .

  25. 这是北极地区最偏僻的岛屿。

    This is the most isolated island in the arctic .

  26. 长有肿胀花萼和大型白色花朵的欧洲北极地区的多年生植物。

    Perennial of arctic Europe having large white flowers with inflated calyx .

  27. 住在北极地区的人主要以鱼和肉为生。

    People in the far north subsist chiefly on fish and meat .

  28. 生吃的鲸鱼皮有点像是北极地区的生鱼片寿司。

    Whale skin eaten raw is something like Arctic sushi .

  29. 北极地区臭氧对北极气候和环境系统起着重要作用。

    Arctic ozone is important to the Arctic climate and environment system .

  30. 北极地区的大型稀有隼,有白色和暗色等色型。

    Large and rare arctic falcon having white and dark color phases .