
  • 网络Boreal;Sub-Boreal;Boreal time
  1. 可与欧洲前北方期、北方期和大西洋期、亚北方期进行对比。

    They can be contrasted with pre North , North , Atlantic and sub North strata in Europe .

  2. 而太阳能即可用于北方采暖期时的热源,又可四季为建筑提供生活热水。

    Solar energy can use both as the heat source in the north and the source of domestic hot water annual for building .

  3. 1920年华北五省旱灾的发生,首先是由华北所处的地理环境和天体运行及北方干湿期的规律等自然原因造成的。

    Why the drought of North China in 1920 occurred , primarily is the geographical environment in North China and the operation and celestial bodies such as the North dry period of natural causes .

  4. 北方的寒冷期通常会为非洲的撒哈拉地区及印度带来乾旱。

    Cold times in the North typically brought drought to Saharan Africa and india .

  5. 对应于Q21红土期、北方S5成壤期、华北平原发生海侵事件和东部海平面上升。

    Correspond to Q21 red earth period , north S5 period , sea water intrusion event in North China Plain and sea-level rose in eastern areas .

  6. 中国北方冬小麦播种期底墒干旱模型

    A drought model of soil moisture in seedtime of winter wheat in north of China

  7. 北方桑天牛卵期与胚胎解剖观察

    Observations on the characters in egg stage and embryo anatomy of Apriona germari in North China

  8. 结合我国北方寒冷地区冬期施工的特点,对冬期施工提出了养护期不加热法、外部加热法、调整配合比法、外加剂法四种方法,对冬期施工有一定的指导意义。

    According to the construction characteristics in winter in northern cold area , discussion is made on the construction maintenance in four aspects of non-heating , outer heating , ratio adjustment and additive which are available for the construction .