- 网络Northridge;Northridge earthquake;north ridge;Northridge, CA

Film producer Stanley Isaacs took a preparedness course and he and his wife were ready for the 1994 Northridge earthquake .
Whether Chi-Chi earthquake or Northridge earthquake , the peak attenuation ( PGV and Vp ) are generally faster , particularly in the NS direction .
American professor of hospital management talk health care reformation of China & Interviewed with Louis Rubino , PH.D Associate professor California State University Northridge
The explanations published in FEMA 350 on damage of connections in welded steel frames induced by Northridge Earthquake in 1994 are introduced .
Especially after the unexpected numerous brittle connection failures happened in the 1994 Northridge earthquake , many scholars have been attaching great importance to the observed connection problems in project circle , witch is one of the hot research subjects in recent years .
Stability Analysis of Random Key Block of Surrounding Rock of Beiling Tunnel
The gold deposit is considered to be of volcanic epithermal type .
stuck in Northridge , a suburb of Los Angles ,
Da Beiling Tunnel Construction Control and Survey
The finite strain analysis and its significance in the Beiling syncline , xishan , beijing
She also became an professor at what is now California State University , Northridge .
Magnitude of nonlinear sediment response in Los Angeles Basin during the 1994 Northridge , California , earthquake
Syntectonic fibrous pressure shadows are found in the Beilin syncline , the Western Hill , Beijing .
The report of on-the-spot investigations in the Northridge earthquake occurring in California , usa on January 17,1994
Since the Northridge earthquake , numerous experimental and analytical studies have been conducted to improve connection performance .
A study on tectonic strain field in the area of the Beiling syncline , the western hill , Beijing
Inside , there was a baby chicken . Beiling Tourist Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment .
The results show that the major strain type ofthe Beiling syncline is planar strain and marked by much compression .
This region is even with no high hills . Beiling Tourist Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment .
A 6.7 magnitude quake struck near the Los Angeles suburb of Northridge in 1994 , killing 57 people and injuring thousands .
The damage to steel frame buildings in the Northridge Earthquake and Kobe Earthquake has arisen out of the interest of scientists .
In the Northridge earthquake , researchers found that many connections failed in low plastic level or even elastic level due to fracture .
Sylvanite was formed at the late mineralization stage of the Beiling gold deposit and occurs in comby network quartz , associated with native gold .
During the 1994 Northridge earthquake and 1995 Kobe earthquake , the typical beam-column moment connection ( bolted-web-welded-flange ) in steel moment-resisting frame suffered unexpected brittle failures .
On January 17,1994 , a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.6 struck Northridge of Los Angeles area , USA , resulting in great losses of life and property .
In the Northridge earthquake in 1994 and the Kobe earthquake in 1995 , widespread and unpredicted brittle fractures were found in weld steel beam-column connections ( weld-flange-bolted-web connections ) .
During the Northridge earthquake in America and the Kobe earthquake in Japan , the form of connections with welded flanges and bolted webs suffered unanticipated brittle fractures in many steel moment-resisting-frame buildings .
Stephanie Bluestein was a reporter at the Los Angeles Times . She is now an assistant professor of journalism at California State University , Northridge . She believes PastPages.org will prove to be a valuable resource .
But that was at the cost of dissipating energy for the structures themselves . The seismic damage was aggravated for those braced systems due to repeated loading , especially in the 1994 Northridge earthquake and 1995 Kobe earthquake .
After the Northridge and Kobe earthquakes , extensive experimental and numerical studies on the mechanical performance of beam-column connections were conducted by many scholars . The plastic deformation capacity of connection is improved mainly though strengthening connection or weakening member .