
  1. 第二部分:阐述北宋山水画批评观念的巨大转变和影响。

    Part two : Expressing the great change and influences of the criticism standard of the landscape painting in Bei Song .

  2. 在具体的北宋山水画作品中,辅之以绘画理论研究,发现自然观念的新特征,是本文的基本目的。

    This dissertation aims to discover the new characters of the view of nature by analyzing the landscape paintings in Northern Song Dynasty with painting theories .

  3. 北宋山水画形制完备,不仅体现在不同的使用功能上,更体现出不同的审美特色。

    Complete form the Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting , not only in the use of different functions , but also reflect the different characteristics of the aesthetic .

  4. 故可知,因礼乃五代北宋山水画建筑点景的美学根源、文化底蕴。

    From the above analysis , we can see that " Yin Li " is the aesthetic roots of the architectural landscape painting in five dynasties and northern song dynasty .

  5. 郭熙是宋代杰出的画家和画论家,与李成、范宽并称北宋山水画三大家。

    Guo Xi , an outstanding painter and painting theorist of Song Dynasty , is titled " the three greatest landscape painters of Northern Song Dynasty " together with Li Cheng and Fan Kuan .

  6. 同样有很多对构图表现和意境表现方面史论记载,这里就不一一说明了。2北宋雪景山水画艺术表现分析。

    There are a lot of pictures and artistic expression in terms of historical records , there is a one one illustrated . 2 northern snow landscape painting performance analysis for drawing .

  7. 五代北宋初期中国山水画创作皴法简评

    A Comment on the Cun Method of Chinese Landscape Paintings in the Period of Five Dynasties and Early North Song Dynasty

  8. 本文采用理论与技法相结合的方法并着重从技法的角度分析北宋时期雪景山水画表现手法。

    In this paper , a method of combining theory and techniques and focus from the perspective of techniques to analyze the performance practices of the Northern Song Dynasty snow landscape .

  9. 通过对北宋院体山水画写实本质的分析进而深入挖掘其对当今山水画创作的借鉴意义与启示。

    Besides , a profound research on the realistic essence of the royal landscape painting in the Northern Song Dynasty and its inspiration to the contemporary landscape painting will be found .