
  1. 北卡罗来纳州立大学的泰德西蒙斯(TedSimons)及其同事将蛙鸣录了下来,好比现在播放的树蛙的鸣声,对志愿者们进行实地测试。

    Ted Simons from North Carolina State University and colleagues put recordings of frogs , like this wood frog , [ Wood Frog sound ] in the field to test the volunteers .

  2. 他的天分从此被承认,并得到北卡罗来纳州立大学篮球奖学金。

    His talent was recognized and he was given a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina .

  3. 我还访问了北卡罗来纳州立大学,那里的工程师在开发使那些马达性能变得更加优越的新技术。

    And I stopped by N.C. State University , where engineers are set to develop the new technology that will make those motors even better .

  4. 三角研究所、北卡罗来纳州立大学以及犹他大学将展开合作,以从木质生物量中提取出合成气。

    Research Triangle Institute , in partnership with North Carolina State University and the University of Utah , will generate syngas derived from woody biomass .

  5. 美国北卡罗来纳州立大学研究人员在纽约市的研究发现这些饥饿的节肢动物在处理垃圾方面成为了关键先生。

    Researchers from North Carolina State University working in New York City found that hungry urban arthropods play a significant role in the disposal of trash .

  6. 在罗利北卡罗来纳州立大学,奥巴马再次敦促听众与立法者联系,表达他们对总统就业项目的支持。

    At North Carolina State University in Raleigh , the president again urged his audience to contact their lawmakers and express their support for his jobs initiative .

  7. 赛仕实际上是1976年成立的北卡罗来纳州立大学附属企业,该公司一直是日益时尚的商业分析领域的先驱。

    SAS , which was in effect spun out of NC State University in 1976 , has been a pioneer in the increasingly fashionable business discipline of " analytics " .

  8. 本周一晚在北卡罗来纳州立大学夏洛特分成校的竞选活动中,奥巴马对几万名支持者说:“她走了。”当时的天空飘着细雨,喧闹的人群立刻安静下来。

    " She 's gone home ," Obama said on Monday as tens of thousands of rowdy supporters at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte grew silent in an evening drizzle .

  9. 但是对于一些不分性别的伤痛会怎样呢,比如说胳膊脱臼?北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员调查了两所大学的男性橄榄球运动员。

    But what about a problem that could affect either sex , like a dislocated shoulder ? Researchers at North Carolina State University asked male football players at two American colleges .

  10. 对这一来自北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究团队而言,这样大规模的样本是非常重要的,这显示出这种变化并非一夜之间就发生了,而是在一段很长时间内形成的。

    Having such a wide spread of samples was important to the team from North Carolina State University as it showed them how the changes happened over a long period of time .

  11. 现在想这些:有虽然小但很奇怪的小生物住在你家,在北卡罗来纳州立大学的罗布.邓恩想让你旅行去找它们。

    Now think of this : there are far stranger , albeit smaller , critters living in your own home . And Rob Dunn at North Carolina State University wants you to go on safari to find them .