
  • 网络Beijing
  1. 主营玻璃幕墙,公司位于中国北京北京市北京市通州区中关村科技园区通州园金桥科技产业基地中路5-247号。

    Beijing Tianhong Xinhao Construction Decoration Engineering CO. , Ltd is located in NO.5-247 Jinqiao Technology Industry Base Central Road , Zhongguancun Science Park , Tongzhou District , Beijing .

  2. 北京粽子北京粽子通常会以driedChinesereddate(红枣)作馅,有些粽子本身不加调料,吃的时候蘸糖吃。

    In Beijing , they are most commonly stuffed with a candied or dried jujube , the dried Chinese red date .

  3. 但是,根据IBM的调查,洛杉矶通勤表现仍然要好于北京,北京的交通状况比洛杉矶差出将近5倍。

    But Los Angeles commuters fared much better than their counterparts in Beijing , where traffic was nearly five times worse , according to the IBM survey .

  4. 全世界的好兄弟,北京,北京,欢迎你!

    Good friend all over the world , welcome to Beijing .

  5. 奥运与北京&北京城市发展的机遇与挑战

    Olympic Games and Beijing : Opportunities and Challenges in Urban Development of Beijing

  6. 我出生在北京,北京是中国的首都。

    I was born in Beijing , which is the capital of China .

  7. 本届奥运马术比赛将在香港举行,而不是北京。北京奥运不仅仅在北京举行,也在香港举行。

    It 's happening in Hong Kong , not only in Beijing - the Olympics that is .

  8. 老北京新北京

    Old Beijing New Beijing

  9. 张隆溪编:《比较文学译文集》。北京:北京大学出版社,1982年。

    Zhang Longxi , ed.A Collection of Translated Essays in Comparative Literature . Beijing : Peking University Press , 1982 .

  10. 王寅生。纳米孔超级绝热材料基础研究。北京:北京科技大学,2003。

    Wang Yinsheng . A preliminary study on supper insulator with nanometer pores . Beijing : University of Science and Technology Beijing , 2003 .

  11. 梁祝。(2005)。中学英语教学活动设计。北京:北京大学出版社。

    Freeman , D. ( 2005 ) . Doing teacher-research : From inquiry to understanding . Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press .

  12. 然而,随着过去十年来很多公司将总部搬至北京,北京市正在逐渐成为排名第一的城市。

    However , a move by companies to locate their headquarters in Beijing over the past decade has seen Beijing take over that title recently .

  13. 幸运的是,武汉方言与标准的普通话之间的差距还不是非常大,所以我在北京与北京人交流时遇到的障碍还不算太大。

    Fortunately , the Wuhan dialect wasn 't extremely different from standard Mandarin , so I haven 't had too much trouble communicating here in Beijing .

  14. 北京&北京正加快其高速铁路技术海外市场出口的步伐,其中包括美国,俄罗斯,巴西,东南亚及中亚。

    BEIJING-China is speeding up the pace of its exports of high-speed rail technology to overseas markets including the United States , Russia , Brazil , Southeast Asia and Central Asia .

  15. M:哦,不是,我去过广州几次。不过这倒是我第一次来北京。北京比我想象中打多了。

    M : Oh no , I'v already made several trips to Guangzhou , this is my first trip to Beijing though.It is a lot larger than I expected it would be .

  16. 来自中国首都北京的北京大学和清华大学,分列2017年亚洲大学排行榜的第二、三名。

    The THE Asia University Rankings for 2017 rated Peking University and Tsinghua University , both in the Chinese capital of Beijing , as the second and third best universities in the continent .

  17. APEC蓝,北京人在北京APEC会议后得到了这样一个说法。

    APEC Blue People in Beijing got the saying after the APEC meeting in Beijing .

  18. AuthorAgencies北京肿瘤医院北京大学临床肿瘤学院外科;

    Department of Pathology Beijing Cancer Hospital & School of Oncology ; Peking University ; Beijing ;

  19. 2011年,嘉泰资本也在北京成立,北京一家共同基金和咨询企业嘉实基金管理公司(HarvestAssetManagement)为其提供了启动所需的种子资本。

    JT Capital , also in Beijing , was set up in 2011 with seed capital from Harvest Asset Management , a mutual fund and advisory firm in Beijing .

  20. 前不久,在北京召开的北京国际金融论坛(BIFF),引人关注。

    Several weeks ago , the attractive Beijing International Financial Forum ( BIFF ) was held in Beijing .

  21. 跨国公司的北京化与北京的国际化

    Localization of Multinational Corporations in Beijing and Internationalization of Beijing City

  22. 北京酒店是北京市非常好的酒店之一。

    Eg Beijing hotel is one of beijing 's elite hotels .

  23. 北京鸭在北京是最受欢迎的食物之一。

    Beijing duck is one kind of food in Beijing .

  24. 北京史与北京学

    Beij in g 's History and Beij in g Studies

  25. 我朋友昨天来到北京。住在北京宾馆。

    My friend arrived in Beijing yesterday and stayed at Beijing Hotel .

  26. 北京饭店是北京最好的饭店之一。

    Beijing Hotel is one of Beijing elite hotels .

  27. 公司总部设在北京,在北京和保定分别建有生产基地。

    Headquartered in Beijing , the company has production facilities both in Beijing and Baoding .

  28. 北京城垣在北京都城建筑史上占有独特的地位。

    The city wall of Beijing is very significant in the history of its urban construction .

  29. 1997年我在北京时,北京好像到处都是自行车,不计其数。

    When I was in Beijing in1997 , it seemed like there were thousands of bicycles everywhere .

  30. 我出生在北京,住在北京,我爱北京非常。

    I was born in Beijing and live in Beijing , and I love Beijing very much .