
  • 网络Beijing Sport University;BSU;bsu.edu.cn
  1. 研究方法:受试者为北京体育大学体育系足球专项8名男生,受试者连续4周,每晚在低氧房(相当于海拔2500米)内居住10h。

    Methods : 8 male soccer players of Beijing Sport University lived in hypoxia apartment ( equivalent to height above sea level 2500 meters ) 4 weeks ( 10h / d , 7d / wk ) .

  2. 本文从历史发展的角度讨论NDC与中图法的异同,以此揭示日本体育大学图书馆和北京体育大学图书馆在文献整理上的差异。

    From the angel of history , this paper discusses differences in the library documentation classifying between Nippon Sport Science University and Beijing Sport University through the comparison of Nippon Decimal Classification and Chinese Library Classification .

  3. 北京体育大学体育系学生SCL-90评定结果分析

    Evaluation of SCL-90 of Students of Beijing University of physical Education

  4. 虽然不能有效提高血液中Arg含北京体育大学博士论文摘要量和血清总抗氧化能力,但能使血清中Gln含量显著升高,并使外周血中淋巴细胞凋亡显著降低。

    Although it may not increase the serum Arg content and total oxidation resistance effectively , it can increase the serum Gln concentration , and decrease the rate of lymphocytic apoptosis in peripheral blood significantly .

  5. 对北京体育大学2003级学生实施分级教学的探索

    Aptitude-based Teaching to Students of Grade 2003 of Beijing Sport University

  6. 对北京体育大学师资队伍现状及建设对策的研究

    Present Situation of BSU Teaching Staff and Suggestions for Construction

  7. 北京体育大学足球裁判班教学模式的研究

    The Research of Football-Referee-Class Teaching Model of Beijing Sport University

  8. 北京体育大学博士生培养理念、政策与现状

    The Principle , Policy and Current Condition Concerning Doctoral Cultivation in BSU

  9. 北京体育大学来华留学生教育管理研究

    Studies of Foreign Students Education Management of Beijing Sports University

  10. 北京体育大学学生语文水平通级考试的构想与研究普通话和北京语音

    A Plan and Study of Chinese Language Level Examination at Beijing Sport University

  11. 单位:北京体育大学研究生院。

    SETTING : Postgraduate School of Beijing Sport University .

  12. 毕业于北京体育大学教育学专业,博士学位。

    Graduate from athletics university pedagogy in Peking particularly an industry , Ph.D.degree .

  13. 加速教材建设进程,全面提高教学质量&北京体育大学九·五教材建设回顾与十·五教材建设展望

    Accelerating Teaching Material Construction and Increasing Teaching Quality Completely

  14. 《北京体育大学学报》2006年第29卷总目录

    Journal of Beijing Sport University Vol.29 2006 contents

  15. 对北京体育大学散打专项训练课和选修课教学现状的对比研究

    Comparison Research on the Teaching Actuality between Sanda Training Course and the Optional Courses

  16. 对北京体育大学学生学习计算机课程状况的调查研究

    An Investigation into Students ' Study of the Computer Course at Beijing Sport University

  17. 奥林匹克信息资源专题数据库建设实践&以北京体育大学图书馆为例

    Establishment of Olympic Information Database & Practices in the Library of Beijing Sport University

  18. 北京体育大学学生评教系统的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Students ' Evaluation System of Teaching of Beijing Sport University

  19. 北京体育大学本科课程设置的现状

    The Research on Present Conditions of Undergraduate Courses in Beijing University of Physical Education

  20. 对北京体育大学优秀男子400米跑速度的分析

    An Velocity Analysis of Excellent Men ′ s 400 Meters of Beijing Sport University

  21. 北京体育大学计算机课程分专业教学的改革探讨

    Probe into the Teaching Reform of Computer Courses for Different Majors in Beijing Sport University

  22. 北京体育大学管理系试行学分制的理论基础和绩效研究

    The Trail of Credit System in Management Department of BUPE : Theoretical Basis and Accomplishment

  23. 近十年来北京体育大学研究生田径学位论文分析

    Analysis on Athletic Papers of Graduate Students of Beijing Sport University in Recent Ten Years

  24. 北京体育大学附属竞技体校运动员的量化管理

    Quantitative Administration for Athletes of the Sports School Attached to Beijing University of Physical Education

  25. 北京体育大学选课管理系统软件的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Administration Software for Selecting Courses in Beijing University of Physical Education

  26. 北京体育大学全面实施学分制的理论设计与初始实践

    Theoretical Design of the Credit System in Beijing University of Physical Education and Its Initiative Operation

  27. 近十年北京体育大学人才流动的状况分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Situation of Personnel Floating in Beijing University of Physical Education in Recent Years

  28. 现在北京体育大学武术教研室任武术研究生导师。

    Now Beijing Sports University martial arts faculty working office is appointed martial arts graduate student teacher .

  29. 北京体育大学女子柔道队赛前训练负荷安排的研究

    Research on the Arrangement of Pre-competition Training Load of Women 's Judo Team in Beijing Sport University

  30. 关于北京体育大学党风廉政监督员履行职责与发挥作用的调研报告

    Investigation on Performance of Duty and Role of Supervisors of Party Incorrupt Conduct in Beijing Sport University