
huà shēn
  • avatar;incarnation;embodiment;personification;reincarnation
化身 [huà shēn]
  • (1) [incarnation;reincarnation]∶佛在人间暂时出现的人、动物或植物的形体

  • (2) [embodiment]∶体现某种抽象事物(如灵魂、思想、原则或典型)的东西

  • 勇敢的化身

化身[huà shēn]
  1. 该政权正是罪恶的化身。

    The regime was the very incarnation of evil

  2. 她是魅力的完美化身。

    She is a perfect incarnation of glamour .

  3. 她是典雅的化身。

    She was the personification of elegance .

  4. 那个首领好像是魔鬼的化身。

    The leader seemed the devil incarnate .

  5. 他是仁慈的化身。

    He is kindness personified .

  6. 守护之神毗湿奴化身为下界的一位国王。

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king .

  7. 这位法老就是俄西里斯,丰产神的化身。

    The pharaoh is Osiris , the moon bull incarnate .

  8. 在其他场合,她是魅力的化身。

    On other occasions she can be charm personified .

  9. 她宛如善良和高贵的化身。

    She seemed to personify goodness and nobility

  10. 银行经理像税务稽查员一样,不喜欢被人们认为是妖魔化身。

    Bank managers — like tax inspectors — do not really like being thought of as ogres .

  11. 她是邪恶的化身。

    She is evil incarnate

  12. 她是欢乐的化身。

    She was a phantom of delight .

  13. 小说的主人公正是作者自己的化身。

    The hero of this novel is a portrait of the author himself .

  14. 1.motherfigure慈母般的人,母亲的化身她就像我们的母亲一样,同时还兼任我们的力量和健身教练。

    It was similar to having a mother figure -- but she was also our strength and conditioning coach .

  15. 许多动物被看作神的化身。

    Many animals were seen as the manifestation of a deity .

  16. 她化身为一条蛇

    She was reincarnated as a snake .

  17. 自1887年阿瑟·柯南·道尔创作出夏洛克·福尔摩斯这个人物以来,有关福尔摩斯形象化身的作品便层出不穷。

    Sherlock Holmes has had many incarnations since he was first brought to life by the pen of Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887 .

  18. 在化身个人信息中,可以输入相关信息,包括基于Web的个人信息页面的链接。

    In the avatar profile you can enter more information about your avatar , including links to Web-based profile pages .

  19. 当您问不同的人Web服务是什么时,他们告诉您Web服务就是分布式计算的化身、概括或是再次创新。

    Depending on whom you ask , Web services are simply an incarnation , a generalization , or a reinvention of distributed computing .

  20. 化身博士(IV)

    The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( IV )

  21. CD唱片封面设计既体现出强烈时代感又充满了浓浓文化思想,它是大众文化需求的化身,承载着艺术与商业的双重诉求。

    Cover design of the CD disc embodies the blazing sense of the times and the strong thoughts and culture .

  22. 这种眼镜,借助计算机能创造出3D的效果,即虚拟化身。

    The subjects saw the cameras view of their back on screens in the goggles , computer enhanced to create a3D virtual version or avatar .

  23. 在一项拟在流行的虚拟游戏世界第二人生(SecondLife)中进行的研究中,受试者将观看自己的数字化身打网球,并因为体力消耗而逐渐变得苗条起来。

    In a study using avatars , scheduled to take place at the popular gaming facility Second Life , subjects will watch a digital version of themselves playing tennis and gradually getting thinner from the exertion .

  24. 学员和教员的网络化身在3D虚拟社区复制了真实世界的活动,参与者不必真正亲自到场能够感觉自己身临其境。

    Avatars of students and faculty have been replicating real-world activities in a three-dimensional virtual community where participants can feel they are present without really having to be there .

  25. 在2008年的展览“超级英雄”(Superheroes)中,他指出,神奇女侠(WonderWoman)可能和时尚编辑一样是具有强大影响力的时尚化身。

    and proposed in the 2008 show " Superheroes " that Wonder Woman may have been as influential a style avatar as any fashion editor .

  26. 多年来,众议员理查德格普哈特(richardgephardt)一直是保护主义者的化身。

    For years , the protectionist urge was exemplified by representative Richard Gephardt .

  27. 今年4月份,德雷塞尔大学(DrexelUniversity)一栋建筑物的外墙在LED灯的帮助下,化身为世界上最大的俄罗斯方块游戏,规模打破了世界纪录。

    In April , the world 's largest game of Tetris was played on the side of a building at Drexel University using LED lights , breaking a world record .

  28. 在目前的许多系统上,ls命令的化身是ls&color=auto,它以不同的颜色打印不同类型的文件系统。

    On many systems today , the ls command is aliased to ls & color = auto , which prints different types of file system objects in different colors .

  29. 如果有来世,我化身为F4或是周杰伦,我想我会戴上眼镜和帽子去逛街。

    If I have afterlife , I am F4 or Joy Zhou , I think I will go to shopping with glasses and hat .

  30. 在这个环境中,化身有一个用户选择的名称和一个标识业务信息的Bluecard。

    While in world , an avatar has a user selected name and a Bluecard that identifies business information .