
  • 网络fossil plants
  1. 整体化石植物复原方法介绍

    An introduction to the methods of recon-struction of whole fossil plants

  2. 杉科化石植物角质层的研究

    Studies on Cuticle in Fossil Plants of Taxodiaceae

  3. 活化石植物&苏铁树叶绿体DNA分子中的核糖核苷酸

    Covalently linked ribonucleotides in chloroplast DNA molecules of the leaves of a living fossil plant , Cycas revoluta Thunb

  4. 活化石植物桫椤的资源开发及保护

    Living Fossil Plant - Alsophila spinulosa

  5. 木质相似或同等与榛子树的化石植物的属。

    Genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or similar to that of the witch hazel .

  6. 利用叶片的形态对植物进行分类鉴定已经广泛的应用到现生和化石植物研究中。

    Leaf morphology has been used widely for the research of classification and identification of extant and fossil plant .

  7. 渐新统的长有象榛树的花的化石植物的属;主要在波罗海地区。

    Genus of fossil plants of the Oligocene having flowers resembling those of the witch hazel ; found in Baltic region .

  8. 化石植物既是研究地质历史时期植被演替的直接证据,又是研究古海拔变化的珍贵材料。

    Fossil plants are considered as direct evidence for vegetation succession in the geological period and invaluable materials for the prediction of palaeoelevation .

  9. 利用活化石植物生态系统来估算陆地生态系统碳固存能力的进化趋势是一种有效的手段。

    Our objective is to utilize the biomass and productivity of living-fossil ecosystems to estimate the evolutionary trend in carbon sequestration capacity of terrestrial ecosystems .

  10. 4种活化石裸子植物的叶和种子的元素X射线微区分析

    X ray microanalysis of leaf and seed elemental composition among four species of living fossil gymnosperm

  11. 化石蕨类植物的一科,是以茎上显著呈螺旋排列的叶座为特征。

    Fossil plants characterized by conspicuous spirally arranged leaf scars on the trunk .

  12. 树木化石状植物,发源于泥盆纪,鼎盛于石炭纪。

    Fossil arborescent plants arising during the Lower Devonian and conspicuous throughout the Carboniferous .

  13. 研究己成化石的植物和动物的遗体及其生活遗迹的科学。

    The study of fossilized , or preserved , remnants of plant and animal life .

  14. 银杏为第四纪冰川之后,只在我国保存下来的一科一属一种的孑遗植物,故有活化石、植物界的熊猫之称。

    Ginkgo biloba is the single species , single genus and single-family plant , only surviving in China after the Fourth Ice Period , so the living fossil and the panda in plant kingdom name it .

  15. 沉积物主要由陆源碎屑组成,其它的再沉积碎屑组份有鲕粒、化石碎屑、植物碎屑和海绿石等。

    The main sediments are made up of terrigenous clastic deposits . Other resedimented clastic constituents are : ooid , fossil clasts , plant clasts and glauconite , etc.

  16. 化石中的植物较小,树干中其他部分也出现了具有较厚细胞壁的细胞,这暗示这木本的出现是植物为了更加有效地从土壤中汲取水分。

    The plants'small size , as well as the presence of thick-walled cells elsewhere in the stems , suggests that wood evolved to efficiently transport water from the soil into the plant .

  17. 目前发现的生物化石主要有植物、孢粉、轮藻、双壳类、腹足类、叶肢介、介形类、昆虫及脊椎动物的鱼类、两栖类、爬行类和早期哺乳类等。

    Fossils found involves fossil plants , pollen , _spores , round algae , bivalves , gastropods , conchostracans , ostracods , insects and_vertebrates , fish , amphibians , reptiles and early lactation and so on .

  18. 这里有各种各样的化石,从植物、树木、鱼、爬行动物和珊瑚虫,到腹足动物(蛇)、双壳类动物(海贝壳)和海百合类动物(古代的海百合)都有。

    All sorts of fossils are included in the mix , ranging from fossilised plants , trees , fish , reptiles and corals to gastropods ( snails ) , bivalves ( sea shells ) and crinoids ( ancient sea lilies ) .

  19. 裸子植物化石树或攀缘植物,起源于泥盆纪;种子蕨。

    Fossil gymnospermous trees or climbing plants from the Devonian : seed ferns .

  20. 化石是早期的植物或动物,过去埋在地下,现在坚如岩石。

    Fossils are early plants or animals once buried in earth , now hardened like rock .

  21. 化石标本保存了植物的茎枝、雌球花及种子;

    Impressions of reproductive shoots , female cones and seeds were preserved in a fossil specimen and its counterpart .

  22. 但是,由于至今未发现可靠的囊胚期到原肠胚期和幼体孵化的化石证据,此类化石的动、植物之争一直没有停止。

    Due to the shortage of trustworthy evidence of gastrula and hatching , their phylogenetic affinity remains a problem of long controversy .

  23. 西峰地区全新世黄土孢粉分析及其植被演化从上述化石组合特征看,这些孢子花粉化石基本属于华夏植物地理区类型。

    According to the analysis on their combination features , the sporopollen fossils mentioned above basically belong to types of the Cathaysia flora realm .