The Application of the Idea of Conversion in Solving Mathematical Problems
A brief talk about application of transforming thought in the mathematics
The Mathematical Conversion Approach and Mathematics Teaching in Secondary School
Application of Transformation Thought to Seek Maximum Linear Independence Group
A Discussion on the Mathematics Teaching of College Tteachers & The Infiltration of Returning Idea
The reduction thinking method is one of the most basic and commonly used thinking methods .
The idea of conversion , an important mathematical way of thinking winds through a course of analytic geometry .
There are some examples in solving mathematics problems in this article . And it offers some teaching countermeasures to strengthen return thought .
Maths transformation method , as one of the most essential methods in the maths teaching in middle school , has been paid special attention .
Its teaching ways follow : Carrying on the teaching in the class instruction , using the special course , and through the social practice .
Important mathematics method of thinking of junior high school include with transform , symbolism , equation and function , numeral-form combination , classification discussion .
Its teaching principles include : shift implicit to plain principle , the spiral rising principle , the system teaching principle , the inspiration and guiding principle .
There are such kinds of mathematics idea and method as sign and graph , function , inversion ; discussion and so on in the mathematics teaching in the middle school .
High school mathematics discussed in many important mathematical thinking methods such as classification , overall in yuan , several form combining , the transformation of thinking , can be implemented by using inequality teaching .
Mathematics transformation thought , as one of the basic teaching methods , which is almost used throughout all secondary school mathematics , is in line with the thinking skills of secondary school students and their real life experience .
As a conclusion it is pointed out that the teachers should consciously convey the reduction thought to the students in class .
In the teaching of mathematics in high school , by using the method of converting , the method of combination of numerals and forms , the method of in-duction and analogy , we can improve students ' ability in analyzing and solving problems .
The paper reflects positive and negative of transforming through discussing the theory of transforming ( including definition , thinking , method and principle ) and in the application of transforming in maths teaching .