
  • 网络Packaging;package;packaging material;wrapper;wrappage
  1. 很多国家提倡包装物的重复使用和再生处理。

    Many countries to promote the re-use of packaging and regeneration treatment .

  2. 当你扔掉纸杯和包装物时感觉很糟吗?

    Do you feel bad when you throw away paper cups and packaging ?

  3. 鼓励企业使用可循环多次使用的包装物来运送和投递物品。

    Companies are also being encouraged to use recyclable multiuse boxes to transport and deliver items .

  4. 塑料包装物中邻苯二甲酸酯的分布统计分析

    Statistic analysis on distribution of phthalic acid esters in plastic packages

  5. 包装物随机振动分析方法研究

    The Vibration Analysis Methods of Packaged Items under Stochastic Excitation

  6. 标签应当紧贴或者印制在农药包装物上。

    The labels shall be firmly stuck or printed on the packages .

  7. 共混型无钉包装物封口胶的研制

    Development of a mixing type sealing adhesive for non-nails packing

  8. 关于商品包装物开发利用途径的研究与探讨

    Research on the Development and Application Methods of Wrappage

  9. 有机地球化学分析中样品污染谈谈常用样品包装物的危害

    Discussion on the problem of contamination of samples in the study of organic geochemistry

  10. 食品包装物的质量安全是食品安全的重要内容。

    The quality safety of food packaging is an important aspect of food safety .

  11. 适合笨重移动不易之包装物,不必使用堆高机。

    Be suited to the wrappage which is ponderous , so need not forklift .

  12. 了对容器和包装物的设计提供微波炉的使用。

    The use of microwave ovens designed for the provision of containers and packaging .

  13. 农药产品应当在包装物表面印制或贴有标签。

    Labels shall be printed or pasted to the package surface of pesticide products .

  14. GB/T6159.2-1985缩微摄影技术词汇第四部分:材料和包装物

    Micrographics Vocabulary Section 4 : Materials and packaging

  15. 易开启性是小包装物能够获得消费者青睐的包装附加功能。

    Opening easiness is an additional function of packages that attracts consumers ' favour .

  16. 包装物易开启性分析

    Analysis on opening easiness of packages

  17. 收缩性薄膜可防止换动并能保持所包装物的湿气成分。

    The contractible film can prevent moving and can keep the moisture content of packed goods .

  18. 适用范围:适用于单粒、多粒糖果或者类似包装物的单粒、多粒包装。

    Applicable Range : This machine suits for packing single or more candy and similar products .

  19. 寻找原料铅笔,油漆,包装物等的供应渠道,包括信息系统。

    Search for the source of raw pencil , paints , package material , information system and etc.

  20. 鞋类部件(不包括贴边、拉链和装饰物)可移动的容器或任何类别的包装物

    Footwear part ( excl. welting , fasteners and trimmings ) movable container or package of any kind

  21. 文中论述了包含包装物、标签和商标材料等包装材料的防伪技术。

    These packaging materials introduced in this paper include out-packing materials , label materials and brand material .

  22. 出口目的地国家最新包装物市场准入标准的咨询。

    Export to the consultation of the national latest packing article market access standard in the destination .

  23. 可根据包装物的情况,设计各种自动下料器。

    According to the situation of packaging things , it can design all kinds of automatic feeders .

  24. 包装物为初包装,标识内容与标的物一致。

    Wrappage is orignal packing , and the ID content is in line with the marked goods .

  25. 把过多的包装物留在收款台。也许他们会明白。

    Leave the excess packaging at the checkout and maybe , just maybe they 'll get the message .

  26. 在通常条件下,本淀粉薄膜在力学性能上取代部分包装物,在一段时间内保持力学性能。这是一种有前途的对环境友好的可完全降解淀粉薄膜。

    This is a kind of starch film having the prospect , benefit to environment and full degradation .

  27. 肌理是包装物皮肤的表层,肌理效果包含着某种艺术性。

    The fraction is the surface of the packages '' skin ', the effect of fraction contains certain art .

  28. 制品具有减震性、冲击性、合性、腐蚀性、直观包装物的形态等优点。

    Production enjoys such advantages as good cushioning effect , shock resistance , heat-sealing performance , corrosion resistance , etc.

  29. 更明确地说,这种测试方法适用于在通常使用时能够封起一个干燥空间的所有包装物。

    More specifically , the method is applicable to packages that in normal use will enclose a dry environment .

  30. 原材料、包装物、低值易耗品都以实际成本入账,是吗?

    The raw materials , packing materials and low-value consumables are entered into account in actual cost , right ?