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[Bao Zheng] (999-1062) 北宋庐州合肥人,仁宗天圣年间进士。曾任监察御史、天章阁侍制、龙图阁直学士,官至枢密副使。他为官清正,刚直不阿,执法严峻,不徇私情,被旧的史书和小说渲染为少有的清官、包青天
Model of Traditional Officers with Combination of Ethic and Law & Bao Zheng
Bao Zheng 's Theory and Practice on Counter corruption
Mr Bao was a very important person in the Chinese history .
The stories of Bao Zheng have been popular since the North Song dynasty .
Studying BAO Zheng 's legal thoughts and practice will be of the realistic significance to the China 's legal modernization .
Bao Zheng was an honest and upright official who set up a good example of counter corruption both in theory and practice .
The show focused on Bao Zheng , a civil servant during the Song Dynasty who was lauded for his honesty and fairness in serving justice .
The black has gravely , the serious feeling color , for prominent Baogong upright , just imposing disposition , puts on the black python , appears dignified solemn and respectful .
" Bao Zheng Legends " classic cartoon series in the output of copyright bring no small surprise , its copyright has been sold to France , Italy , Germany , Spain and other countries .
As a practitioner of Xun Zi 's theory , Bao Zhen has in effect influenced the Chinese traditional legal culture , the honesty of officials in ancient and modern China and the expectation of the public for the officials .
Bao Zheng held that correct understanding should be made in foreign policy : to abide by the Agreement of Allies with them , to be equal and mutually beneficial , to keep balance of power , and to be vigilant .
Bao-zheng did not put them into the prison , but locked them up inside a dilapidated temple instead , ordering the prison guard to tell them not to sit overnight because the spirits were to write on the murderer 's back after the midnight .