
  • 网络Crime of shielding;Cover crimes
  1. 论窝藏、包庇罪的行为对象&犯罪的人含义辨析

    Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals

  2. 包庇罪研究

    Research on the Crime of Harboring Criminals

  3. 窝藏、包庇罪是我国现行《刑法》规定的妨害司法管理秩序的犯罪行为。

    The crime of harboring , shielding is a kind of obstruction of justice order crimes in the current Penal Code .

  4. 由此,导致造成了窝藏、包庇罪在法律文化上的精神断层。

    As a result , it leaded to cut the development of harboring , shielding in the legal culture , the spirit of weaning .

  5. 解决问题的思路,应该是将两种含义分离,前种属犯罪对象,后种则应另设行为对象的概念概括之。论窝藏、包庇罪的行为对象&犯罪的人含义辨析

    To solve the problem , we should follow the thinking that the two meanings of the concept should be separated . Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals

  6. 因此,以窝藏、包庇罪为视角,合理地借鉴亲亲相隐原则,对其进行一定的立法完善是必要之举。

    As a result , from the principle of " concealing between the relatives " to the principle of harboring and covering up crimes for their perspective must improve the legislation is a necessity .

  7. 关注刑法的人伦精神&以新刑法第310条规定的窝藏、包庇罪为视角

    Paying Close Attention to the Spirits of Human Relations in Criminal Law & Taking Crimes of Harboring and Covering up a Criminal Provided in Article 310 of the New Criminal Law as an Angle of View

  8. 应当看到,在我国现行《刑法》在窝藏、包庇罪的犯罪主体上无视人伦亲情的做法,人为地在情理与法律之间的制造了张力。

    It should be noted that in the current Penal Codein the subject of the crime of harboring , and shielding to ignore the practice of human relations of affection , artificially made between reasonable and legal tension .

  9. 指使者指使肇事人逃逸,致使被害人因得不到救助而死亡的,不能以交通肇事罪中的共犯论处,而是应当以包庇罪定罪;

    The persons who instigate the troublemaker to run away and cause the victim to die , can 't be punished as the accomplice in the crime of traffic accident , but should declare the crime of harboring criminal .

  10. 正是由于这些原因,对于亲属问犯窝藏、包庇罪进行法律上的处罚与制裁的,不符合刑法的人道性和谦抑性的理念,不具有经济效益性,有刑法泛滥之嫌。

    For punishment of relatives guilty for harboring , concealing the murder does not meet the criminal penalties for acts of humanity and the concept of Modesty , not cost-effective , there has been the proliferation of criminal law is suspected .

  11. 笔者认为,其一,亲情是道德体系中很重要的组成部分,将窝藏包庇罪的主体规定为一般主体有违百姓基本的道德情感要求,不利于法律的贯彻实施。

    The author thinks that , first , the family emotion is a very important part in moral system . It is against the requirements of basic public morality and the enforcement of the law to stipulate the subject of harboring to be general one .

  12. 立法上,可从包庇的对象、法定刑和包庇罪罪名的一体化上对典型包庇犯罪进行完善,并从整体上对包庇罪的罪状和法定刑进行重新设计。

    As far as legislation is concerned , the typical crime of shield should be perfected through the unification of the object of shielding , statutory penalty and the charge of Crime of Shielding , and the count and statutory penalty of Crime of Shielding should be redesign wholly .

  13. 由于包庇犯罪所涵括的具体犯罪行为不同,各国或地区对包庇犯罪的具体罪种的设置有繁有疏。

    Because of the various crimes included in crime of shield , countries and regions have different sorts as to crime of shield and the stiff and loose of criminal law is involved .