
  • 网络coverage probability
  1. 将非概率模型引入复合材料的可靠性分析,建立了一种包含概率和非概率分析的混合模型。

    Non-probability concept was introduced into the reliability analysis of composite materials , and a mixed model for probability and non-probability analysis was built .

  2. 在记者采访时,孩子们正在做Khan学院的网上练习,随后他们玩起了“臭鼬”游戏,这个游戏包含了概率的原理。

    When this correspondent visited , they practised on KhanAcademy but then played SKUNK , a game involving probability .

  3. 这种模系运算包含通常的概率运算。

    This modular operation includes the usual probability operation .

  4. 算法包含60种上下文概率模型,将MQ编码从位平面扫描过程中分离,设计了改进的MQ编码器。

    There are 60 context models in the algorithm . The MQ-coding is isolated from the bit plane scanning and a modified MQ-coder is designed .

  5. 近年来,多传感器融合技术越来越受到关注,其包含控制理论、概率统计、智能算法、信号处理等多领域研究。

    In recent years , multi-sensor fusion technology is more and more attention , it contains control theory , probability and statistics , intelligent algorithm , signal processing and other fields .

  6. 同时本文既包含离线权值上下文概率估计,同时改进后的自适应权值上下文概率估计效果与离线性能相当,而且性能上优于目前的基于上下文的算术编码器。(2)基于上下文预测的三维极光图像压缩。

    This paper includes both on-line and adaptive weight context classification and weight probability estimation , and the performances both outperform state-of-art context-based arithmetic coding . ( 2 ) Aurora image compression based on context prediction .

  7. 该模型既包含了导致极端海况的特殊天气过程出现频数,又包含了耿贝尔概率分布模型。

    This model includes the occurrence frequency of special weather process that leads to extreme sea state and Gumbel Probability Distribution model .