- inclusion;enclave

The mineralized temperature ranges between 160 ℃ and 200 ℃ and inclusion in metallogenetic fluid was in pure liquid facies , in which occurrences of liquid components and CO 2 were favorable to enrich gold .
The fluid inclusion data demonstrate that the majority of hydrothermal ores are precipitated in the temperature range of 300 to 500 ℃, lower than the critical line of NaCl-H2O .
The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma .
Green pyroxenites have higher Mg # , lower Al2O3 and TiO2 contents than the black suite .
Two types of pyroxenite xenoliths are noted , namely , green Cr-and black Al-pyroxenites . All pyroxenites are websterites in which clinopyroxene is more abundant than orthopyroxene .
Zircon U-Pb Dating of Marble-associated Eclogite in the Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt and Its Geological Implications
Single grain zircon U-Pb dating of gabbro xenolith from Daoxian alkaline basalt , Hunan Province
The Fo value of olivine in the olivine-pyroxenite xenoliths is the highest and its subspecies is chrysolite near to the end point of forsterite .
All CAIs in the ordinary chondrites are heavily altered , mainly consisting of fine-grained alteration assemblages without melilite . ( 3 ) The comparative study of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .
The Qixia xenoliths have Os isotopic compositions similar to the present-day convecting mantle and show no correlations between Os isotopic and Re / Os ratios , which suggest that they are very young in age .
Lots of mafic-ultramafic enclaves are developed in Neoarchaean TTG gneisses in south of Jiaobei uplift with the trend of NEE .
In this paper the electrical conductance of a two-phase composite medium with ellipsoidal inclusions has been investigated by using the effective-medium theory ( EMT ) .
The formation age ( 152 Ma ) of the enclave is close to that ( 155 ~ 161 Ma ) of the host rock , suggesting that the mixing event took place during the early period of Late Jurassic .
REE occur in U Th containing minerals as micro inclusion in native gold , the partition characteristics of which can be used to discuss the classification of hard rock gold deposits and the primary source of placer gold .
In addition , newly reported coesites in paragneisses enclosing eclogites in Dulan area also suggest that the gneiss and enclosed eclogite as a whole underwent early Paleozoic HP-UHP metamorphism .
By using the Born approximation , the scattering of SH-waves by the circular cavity and the circular rigid inclusion embedded in half-space is solved approximately by means of Integral representation of the wave equation .
He and Ar isotopic compositions in Cenozoic alkali basalts and mantle-derived xenoliths from Kuandian volcanics in Liaoning Province , China
Orthopyroxene phenocryst exhibits two different appearances on their BSE images . One has well developed overgrowth . The other is characterized by fine inclusions of plagioclase , without overgrowth .
Ca - , Al-rich inclusions ( CAIs ) are the earliest assemblages of the solar nebula , and they contain information of early solar nebula . They are the probe of studying the origin and evolvement of early solar nebula , and are mainly found in carbonaceous chondrites .
The Os isotopic data from the mantle xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalts suggested that the lithospheric mantle in the Cenozoic is juvenile , much different from that in the Paleozoic , which indicated that the present lithospheric mantle is not the residue after the thinning .
The fact that the enclaves and the host rock are comagmatic and that the former is relatively rich in high-field-strength elements such as Zr , P , Ti , REE , etc. suggests that origin of the enclaves may be magma immiscibility between the two corresponding magmas .
The electron microprobe analyses show that there are distinct differences between two types of olivine in the aspects of the FeO / MnO ratio , the species of inclusion minerals , the concentrations of Fe an Ni in kamacite and taenite inclusions .
Brady there are two errors , namely , ( 1 ) the stress component parallel to the minor axis within the elliptical inclusion is not a tensile stress , under far field compression in two directions ;
Fracture model of samples with inclusion of low elastic modulus and different strength under the iso-speed displacement load are simulated by using our RFPA 2D code .
Eshelby 's theory of elastic field containing elliptic inclusion is derived in detail and the effective elastic modulus of cracked media ( the first order of Hudson equation ) is derived based on Eshelby theory .
Zircon U-Pb Ages , Geochemistry of the Rushan Gabbro-diorites and Their Mafic Xenoliths from the Northern Sulu Orogen , Shandong Province , Eastern China ; Both the core and the mantle have inclusions of biotite , hornblende , quartz and plagioclase .
They all belong to NiAs type and are relatively high in Ni + Cu + Co , being similar to the composition of pyrrhotite in mantle-derived inclusions .
Then the high velocity area with more than 4615m / s appeared and its rang was roughly the same with the location of inclusion ;
The discovery of the mantle-derived xenoliths in the area adjacent to the site of the CCSD ( Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling ) provides an important constraint for understanding the composition , thickness and thermal structure of the lithosphere as well as the underplating process in the Donghai area .
Trace element and Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic compositions of mantle xenolith-free Mesozoic basalts and mantle xenolith-bearing Cenozoic basalts in the coastal area of SE China are studied to provide an insight into the nature of their mantle sources and processes .