
shì chā
  • potential difference
势差[shì chā]
  1. 需要有一个能在其两个接线柱之间保持恒定势差的电源。

    A source capable of maintaining a constant potential difference between its terminals is necessary .

  2. 利用接触势差法自行设计开发了一种新型的表面功函数测试装置。

    We have made a novel instrument for the measurement of work function using contact potential difference method .

  3. 当系统变化与环境变化不平衡时会产生势差(potentialdifference),从而产生各种能量和物质的交换。

    Thus the system changes and environmental changes arose from the imbalance between potential difference ( potential difference ), resulting in a variety of energy and material exchange .

  4. 采用高频放电的方法对ITO电极表面进行了处理,并用接触势差法测量了处理前后的ITO表面功函数。

    Surface of indium tin oxide ( ITO ) is treated using high frequency discharge , and the work function is measured with the method of contact barrier difference .

  5. 文化势差对翻译的负面影响

    The Negative Influences of " Cultural Differentials " on Translation

  6. 后殖民语言势差结构理论

    Potential Disparity Structure Theory of Post - Colonial Languages

  7. 机关秘书群落是一个重要政治群体,其内部因权威结构中的差序分工产生了分化,出现了势差、级差、职差和位差等四差效应。

    The secretary clan is an important political group .

  8. 深入研究了周期势差模型。

    The periodic tension model is then studied .

  9. 语言势差结构的根本是文明势差;

    The fundamentality of " Language Potential Disparity Structure " is " potential disparity of civilization ";

  10. 文化势差形成旅游动力。

    Cultural variances activate tourism business .

  11. 首先,资源的扩张导致了知识势差,引发了知识学习。

    First , the expansion of resources leads the potential difference of knowledge , causing the knowledge learning .

  12. 根据斜井中井眼稳定的要求将流体流动概念与钻井液和泥页岩间的化学势差概念结合起来,建立了一个井眼稳定的力学化学耦合模型。

    A mechanics and chemistry coupled model of shale stabilization in deviated hole was introduced in this paper .

  13. 目前,在减缓与适应气候变化主要技术领域,中国与发达国家存在着较大的技术势差。

    At present , in the main fields of climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies , China lags behind developed countries .

  14. 再植苹果苗表现典型的再植病,其症状为:根系分生能力差,生长缓慢,根组织尤其输导根上发生许多黑色病斑,地上部长势差,长梢抽生困难,定植成活率低。

    The root of replanted apple seedlings branched poorly and slowly . Lots of pathological black spots were found in root tissue .

  15. 第二类热泵可利用中间温度的废热与低温热源之间的热势差,制取热量少但温度高于中温废热的热水或蒸汽。

    The second class absorption heat pump can get hot water or vapour using heat potential difference of middle temperature exhaust gas and lower temperature sink .

  16. 影响模式选择的关键因素主要有3种,包括:外部技术获取的难易程度、企业技术能力水平和技术势差。

    For another , there are three key influence factors of pattern choosing , including the difficulty of obtaining external technology , technological capability and technology distance .

  17. 技术势差、技术廊道是全球技术空间体系形成的必要条件,而知识产权保护是保证技术流动长盛不衰的制度保障。

    With the acceleration of globalization and the advancement of the science and technology revolution , the global spatial system of technology has gradually come into being .

  18. 但是,当国家与国家之间、民族与民族之间在文化教育方面存在势差时,留学教育是引进高层的、先进的文化教育的一个重要渠道。

    However , when the two nations or two peoples are not at the level , studying abroad is one of the important accesses to advanced education .

  19. 和真实的热机相比,布朗热机主要受到和时间关联的势垒、温度差或者化学势差的驱动。

    Compared with the real heat engines , the Brownian heat engines are mainly driven by the barrier associated with time , temperature difference or chemical potential difference .

  20. 钻井液与泥页岩存在化学势差,并改变了井壁附近的孔隙压力,降低岩石强度。

    Chemical potential differential between the drilling fluid and the shale will change the pore pressure adjacent to the well bore , which will reduce the rock strength .

  21. 荀子所理想的社会的精神系统是一个缺乏精神势差的核心辐射型精神系统,势必走向萎缩与崩溃。

    The spirit system of Xunzi'ideal society , lack of spirit energy fall , was a core & radiation struction , with a trend of atrophy and collapse .

  22. 他们正是在中西存在着巨大的科学势差而明政权又急需改变时局之时,来到中国。

    They reached China at a time of turbulence , there was great scientific potential difference from Europe and rulers of Ming dynasty wanted to change the situation .

  23. 后殖民语言势差结构的主要构成部分是:语言势位、语言势差、语言势能和语言势流。

    Post-colonial Language Potential Disparity Structure is composed mainly of " language potential "," potential disparity of language "," potential energy of language " and " potential flow of language " .

  24. 认知是有成本的,而认知成本取决于企业之间是否共享代码、企业间存量知识势差的大小以及企业间在价值观上的差异程度。

    Yes there is the cost of cognition , and the cognitive cost depends on the code-sharing , potential difference on stock of knowledge , and the degree values differences between enterprises .

  25. 将安排列车运行线的问题看作周期事件安排问题,并借助周期约束图及周期势差模型,可以建立周期运行图网络模型。

    Considering arranging train paths as arranging a periodic event , in virtue of the periodic constraint graph and the periodic tension model , the periodic train diagram network model is established .

  26. 其经济特性又凸显在文化行为对企业经济活动的主导性、理念一致可降低成本、势差文化可激活企业人力资源、品牌文化可创造超额利润、企业形象可影响市场而创造效益等。

    And its economic features may appear in the following aspects : culture dominating business activities , reducing cost , exerting the human resources to the full , making more money and others .

  27. 提出了企业技术创新环境势差和环境跨越的概念,并结合当今经济和科技全球化的趋势探讨了它的指导意义。

    According to this frame , two concepts & environment potential difference and environment spanning are put forward , and their significance is discussed with the current economy and scientific and technological globalization taken into consideration .

  28. 本论文的主要目的是对泥页岩井壁稳定性进行分析研究,尤其是水基钻井液与泥页岩地层接触后,水力势差、化学势差和温度差对井壁稳定性的影响。

    The dissertation 's main purpose is to study and analyze the shale wellbore stability , especially the effect of hydraulic difference , chemical potential and temperature after the drilling fluid coming into contact with shale formations .

  29. 本文将这种文化差异称为文化势差,着重探讨这种势差对翻译的负面影响。

    This research will attempt to contribute to the study of negative influences of the status gap of cultures , which the author refers as " cultural differentials " in this paper , to explore their impacts on translation .

  30. 从而,文化势差必定对社会发展的方方面面造成不同程度的影响,而就其造成的影响来说,大体可分为积极影响和消极影响两个方面。

    Thus , " Cultural potential difference " is certain to produce different extents of impacts on various aspects of social development . And as far as the impacts are concerned , it is basically divided into positive and negative impact .