
  1. 台州市人才劳动力市场管理委员会

    Taizhou Municipal Committee for human resources and Labor Force Markets Management

  2. 第十二条中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构的管理适用《劳动力市场管理规定》和外商

    The administration of job referral agencies of Chinese-Foreign joint

  3. 伴随农民工进城就业,除了带来交通运输、社会治安、劳动力市场管理等诸多问题以外,进城农民工子女教育问题成为最具挑战性的重大社会问题。

    City employment , except with migrant workers brought transportation , social security , labor market management problems such as education , migrant workers outside the children become the most challenging of serious social problem .

  4. 通过对决策树算法的深入分析,我们围绕着C4.5决策树生成算法建立了一个分类预测系统并实现了与劳动力市场信息管理系统(LMIS)的集成。

    With the thorough analysis on the algorithm of decision tree induction , we established a classification and prediction system based on C4.5 and accomplished the integration with the LMIS system .

  5. 四是劳动力市场行政管理水平不高。

    The last is that the labor markets administration is on the low level .

  6. 论我国劳动力市场现状与管理

    A Discussion on the State and Management of Labour Markets in China

  7. 提高对劳动力市场的现代化管理水平。

    Sixthly , raise the modernized management level of the labor market .

  8. 试论市场经济条件下劳动力市场的科学管理

    On Scientific Management of Labor Market under Market Economy

  9. 但西方发达国家劳动力市场完善且管理科学,并建有全面的就业服务体系和失业保障体系。

    But Western countries have the sophisticated and scientific managed labor market , and have been built a comprehensive system of employment services and unemployment security system .

  10. 我国劳动力市场信息化建设刚刚起步,目前侧重于劳动力市场前台业务管理信息系统和统计型信息系统,欠缺区域劳动力市场的空间分析、预测预警和政策模拟及评价等功能。

    The information construction of labor market has just begun in our country , emphasizing particularly on the management information system and the statistic information system of labor market .

  11. 按照劳动力市场统一的思路,将目前分离的人才交流市场和劳动力市场纳入统一管理轨道;

    According to the reason of unified labour market , the current segregative talent exchange market and labour market can be brought into the track of unified management .